


语言集成查询 (LINQ) 是一系列直接将查询功能集成到 C# 语言的技术统称。

数据查询历来都表示为简单的字符串,没有编译时类型检查或 IntelliSense 支持。 此外,需要针对每种类型的数据源了解不同的查询语言:SQL 数据库、XML 文档、各种 Web 服务等。
借助 LINQ,查询成为了最高级的语言构造,就像类、方法和事件一样。 可以使用语言关键字和熟悉的运算符针对强类型化对象集合编写查询。 LINQ 系列技术提供了针对对象 (LINQ to Objects)、关系数据库 (LINQ to SQL) 和 XML (LINQ to XML) 的一致查询体验。

对于编写查询的开发者来说,LINQ 最明显的“语言集成”部分就是查询表达式。
查询表达式采用声明性查询语法编写而成。 使用查询语法,可以用最少的代码对数据源执行筛选、排序和分组操作。 可使用相同的基本查询表达式模式来查询和转换 SQL 数据库、ADO .NET 数据集、XML 文档和流以及 .NET 集合中的数据。

在 C# 中可为以下对象编写 LINQ 查询:SQL Server 数据库、XML 文档、ADO.NET 数据集以及支持 IEnumerable 或泛型 IEnumerable 接口的任何对象集合。 此外,第三方也为许多 Web 服务和其他数据库实现提供了 LINQ 支持。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LinkConsole
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<int> numbers = new List<int>() { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
            var numQuery = from num in numbers
                          where num % 2 == 0
                           select num;
            foreach (var num in numQuery)
               Console.WriteLine("{0,1}", num);

        public class CustomerInfo
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }
            public string Tel { get; set; }
            public List<string> telTable { get; set; }
        public static void FormExpDemo2()
            List<CustomerInfo> customers = new List<CustomerInfo>
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "欧阳晓晓",Age = 35,Tel = "123"},
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "上官飘飘",Age = 17,Tel = "456"},
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "诸葛菲菲",Age = 23,Tel = "789"}
            var query = from ci in customers
                        where ci.Age > 20
                        select ci;
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}年龄:{1}电话:{2}", ci.Name, ci.Age, ci.Tel);

        //复合from子句    // 相当于两个for循环而已
        private static void FormExpDemo()
            List<CustomerInfo> customers = new List<CustomerInfo>
                new CustomerInfo { Name = "欧阳小小",Age= 35,telTable = new List<string> {"123","234"} },
                new CustomerInfo { Name = "上官飘飘",Age= 35,telTable = new List<string> {"456","567"} },
                new CustomerInfo { Name = "诸葛菲菲",Age= 35,telTable = new List<string> {"789","456"} },
            var query = from ci in customers
                        from tel in ci.telTable
                        where tel.IndexOf("456") > -1
                        select ci;
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}年龄:{1}", ci.Name, ci.Age);
                foreach (var tel in ci.telTable)
                    Console.WriteLine("          电话:{0}", tel);


        private static void FormExpDemo3()
            List<CustomerInfo> customers = new List<CustomerInfo>
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "欧阳晓晓",Age = 35,Tel = "123"},
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "上官飘飘",Age = 77,Tel = "456"},
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "诸葛菲菲",Age = 23,Tel = "789"}
            List<CustomerInfo> customers2 = new List<CustomerInfo>
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "令狐冲",Age = 25,Tel = "123"},
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "东方不败",Age = 15,Tel = "456"},
                new CustomerInfo{ Name = "任盈盈",Age = 13,Tel = "789"}
            //在customers 中寻找年龄大于20的客户
            var query = from custo in customers
                        where custo.Age > 20
                        from custo2 in customers2
                        where custo2.Age < 30
                        select new { custo, custo2 };
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", ci.custo.Name, ci.custo2.Name);//这样得到的是一个交叉联结表,有点类似于SQL中的笛卡尔沉积

        private static void WhereExpDemo()
            List<CustomerInfo> clist = new List<CustomerInfo>
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="欧阳晓晓", Age=35, Tel ="1330708****"},
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="上官飘飘", Age=17, Tel ="1592842****"},
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="令狐冲", Age=23, Tel ="1380524****"}
            var query = from custo in clist
                        where (custo.Name.Length == 3 || custo.Name.Substring(0, 1) == "令") && custo.Age > 20
                        select custo;//select 也可以改成,比如custo.Name。或者用一个函数,把变量传出去
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}年龄:{1}电话:{2}", ci.Name, ci.Age, ci.Tel);


            var query2 = from custo in clist
                         where (custo.Name.Length == 3 && ChechName(custo.Name))
                         select custo;
            foreach (var ci in query2)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}年龄:{1}电话:{2}", ci.Name, ci.Age, ci.Tel);

        private static bool ChechName(string name)
            if (name.Substring(0, 1) == "令")
                return true;
                return false;

        //select 用法举例
        private static void SelectDemo()
            List<CustomerInfo> clist = new List<CustomerInfo>
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="欧阳晓晓", Age=35, Tel ="1330708****"},
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="上官飘飘", Age=17, Tel ="1592842****"},
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="令狐冲", Age=23, Tel ="1380524****"}
            string[] names = { "令狐冲", "任盈盈", "杨过", "小龙女", "欧阳小夏", "欧阳晓晓" };
            var query = from custo in clist
                        where custo.Age < 30
                        select new MyCustomerInfo { Name = custo.Name, Tel = custo.Tel };
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}电话:{1}类型{2}", ci.Name, ci.Tel, ci.GetType().FullName);
        public class MyCustomerInfo
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Tel { get; set; }

        static List<CustomerInfo> clist = new List<CustomerInfo>
             new CustomerInfo{ Name="欧阳晓晓", Age=35, Tel ="1330708"},
             new CustomerInfo{ Name="上官飘飘", Age=17, Tel ="1592842"},
             new CustomerInfo{ Name="欧阳锦鹏", Age=35, Tel ="1330708"},
             new CustomerInfo{ Name="上官无忌", Age=23, Tel ="1380524"}
        private static void GroupDemo()
            var query = from custo in clist
                        group custo by custo.Name.Substring(0, 2);
            foreach (IGrouping<string, CustomerInfo> group in query)
                Console.WriteLine("分组键:{0}", group.Key);
                foreach (var ci in group)
                    Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}电话:{1}", ci.Name, ci.Tel);

        private static void IntoDemo()
            var query = from custo in clist
                        group custo by custo.Name.Substring(0, 2) into gpcustomer
                        orderby gpcustomer.Key descending //排序,
                        select gpcustomer;
            foreach (var group in query)
                Console.WriteLine("分组见:{0}", group.Key);
                foreach (var ci in group)
                    Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0}电话:{1}", ci.Name, ci.Tel);
            var query2 = from custo in clist
                         select new { NewName = custo.Name, NewAge = custo.Age } into newCustomer
                         orderby newCustomer.NewAge
                         select newCustomer;
            foreach (var ci in query2)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}年龄:{1}", ci.NewName, ci.NewAge);


        private static void ThenByDemo()
            List<CustomerInfo> clist = new List<CustomerInfo>
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="欧阳晓晓 ", Age=35, Tel ="1330708****"},
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="上官飘飘 ", Age=17, Tel ="1592842****"},
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="郭靖 ", Age=17, Tel ="1330708****"},
                 new CustomerInfo{ Name="黄蓉 ", Age=17, Tel ="1300524****"}
            var query = from customer in clist
                        orderby customer.Age, customer.Name.Length
                        select customer;
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0} 年龄:{1} 电话:{2}",ci.Name, ci.Age, ci.Tel);

            var query2 = from customer in clist
                         orderby customer.Age descending , customer.Name.Length descending
                         select customer;
            foreach (var ci in query2)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0} 年龄:{1} 电话:{2}", ci.Name, ci.Age, ci.Tel);



        private static void LetDemo()
            var query = from custo in clist
                        let g = custo.Name.Substring(0, 1)//let建立一个范围变量,在where中使用
                        where g == "欧" || g == "上"//也可以不写,写成customer.Name.Substring(0, 1) == "郭" || customer.Name.Substring(0, 1) == "黄"
                        select custo;
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0} 年龄:{1} 电话:{2}", ci.Name, ci.Age, ci.Tel);

        private static void JoinDemo()
            List<CustomerInfo> clist = new List<CustomerInfo>
               new CustomerInfo{ Name="欧阳晓晓", Age=35, Tel ="1330708****"},
               new CustomerInfo{ Name="上官飘飘", Age=17, Tel ="1592842****"},
               new CustomerInfo{ Name="郭靖", Age=17, Tel ="1330708****"},
               new CustomerInfo{ Name="黄蓉", Age=17, Tel ="1300524****"}
            List<CustomerTitle> titleList = new List<CustomerTitle>
               new CustomerTitle{ Name="欧阳晓晓", Title="5q2M5omL"},
               new CustomerTitle{ Name="郭靖", Title="5aSn5L6g"},
               new CustomerTitle{ Name="郭靖", Title="5rSq5LiD5YWs5b6S5byf"},
               new CustomerTitle{ Name="黄蓉", Title="5omN5aWz"},
               new CustomerTitle{ Name="黄蓉", Title="5LiQ5biu5biu5Li7"}
            var query = from customer in clist
                        join title in titleList
                        on customer.Name equals title.Name
                        select new { Name = customer.Name, Age = customer.Age, Title = title.Title };
            foreach (var ci in query)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0} 年龄:{1}{2}", ci.Name, ci.Age, ci.Title);
            var query2 = from customer in clist
                         join title in titleList
                         on customer.Name equals title.Name into tgroup
                         select new { Name = customer.Name, Titles = tgroup };
            foreach (var g in query2)
                foreach (var g2 in g.Titles)
                    Console.WriteLine("     {0}", g2.Title);
            //根据姓名进行 左外部联结
            var query3 = from customer in clist
                         join title in titleList
                         on customer.Name equals title.Name into tgroup
                         from subTitle in tgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new { Name = customer.Name, Title = (subTitle == null ? "空缺" : subTitle.Title) };
            foreach (var ci in query3)
                Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0} ", ci.Name, ci.Title);
        public class CustomerTitle
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Title { get; set; }

