#include anywhere(#包括任何地方)
#include <file>
Is the #include <file>
meant to be used for headers only or is it simply a mechanical "inject this code here" that can be used anywhere in the code?
如果我在 cpp 函数的中间使用它来从单一来源注入"代码会怎样?这会奏效还是编译器会为此大喊大叫?
What if I use it in the middle of a cpp function to just "inject" code from a single source? will this work or will compilers scream about this?
It is a mechanical inject the code here device. You can include a text file containing Goethe's Faust if you wish to. You can put it anywhere, even in the middle of a function (of course, #include
needs a fresh line!).
但是,仅对头文件使用 #include
However, it's strong convention to only use #include
for header files. There may be reasons where I wouldn't object on it, for example pulling in machine-generated code or merging all translation units in a single file.
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