如何使用 JSON 格式的 jQuery AJAX 从 .cfm 页面输出查

How do you output a query from a .cfm page using jQuery AJAX in JSON format?(如何使用 JSON 格式的 jQuery AJAX 从 .cfm 页面输出查询?)

本文介绍了如何使用 JSON 格式的 jQuery AJAX 从 .cfm 页面输出查询?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 json 格式的 jquery 从 .cfm 页面输出查询.谁能告诉我我哪里错了?

I am trying to output a query from a .cfm page using jquery with json format. Can someone tell me what I am dong wrong?

回答 这里

刚刚发布了我的 cfc 代码

Just posted my cfc code


SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character.

test.cfm 输出看起来像

test.cfm output looks like

{"COLUMNS":["TEAM"],"DATA":[["Dallas Cowboys"],["NY Giants"],["Philadelphia Eagles"],["Washington Redskins"]]} 

在我的 .html 页面中

In my .html page I have

    <script type="text/javascript" src="aHR0cHM6Ly9hamF4Lmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2FqYXgvbGlicy9qcXVlcnkvMS43LjEvanF1ZXJ5Lm1pbi5qcw=="></script>
    <script type="text/javascript"> 

    $("#runQuery").click(function () {


            type: "GET",
            url: "./test.cfm",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (resp, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)


    function buildResultsTable(resp)
        var tmp_html = $("<tr />");
        var j = 0;


            for (var i = 0; i < resp["COLUMNS"].length; i++)
                var tmp_th = $("<th />");   

            for (j = 0; j < resp["DATA"].length; j++)
                tmp_html = $("<tr />");

                for (var i = 0; i < resp["DATA"][j].length; i++)
                    var tmp_td = $("<td />");   




    <input type="button" id="runQuery" value="Show Teams" />
    <input type="text" name="name">

    <table id="results" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


在我的 test.cfm 调用页面中,我有

In my test.cfm calling page I have





<cfcomponent name="jQueryExample" output="false">

<cffunction name="getAllPlayers" output="false" access="private" returntype="query">
    <cfset var qAllPlayers = queryNew('playerName, team') />

    <cfset queryAddRow(qAllPlayers, 40) />

    <!--- add 10 Giants players to the "database" --->
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Alford, Jay', 1) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 1) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Barden, Ramses', 2) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 2) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Beckum, Travis', 3) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 3) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Bernard, Rocky', 4) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 4) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Blackburn, Chase', 5) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 5) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Boss, Kevin', 6) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 6) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Bradshaw, Ahmad', 7) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 7) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Canty, Chris', 8) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 8) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Diehl, David', 9) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 9) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Feagles, Jeff', 10) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'NY Giants', 10) />

    <!--- add 10 Cowboys players to the "database" --->
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Adams, Flozell', 11) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 11) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Austin, Miles', 12) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 12) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Brown, Courtney', 13) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 13) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Choice, Tashard', 14) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 14) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Colombo, Marc', 15) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 15) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Davis, Leonard', 16) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 16) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Jones, Felix', 17) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 17) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Kitna, Jon', 18) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 18) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Procter, Corey', 19) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 19) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Romo, Tony', 20) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Dallas Cowboys', 20) />

    <!--- add 10 Eagles players to the "database" --->
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Akers, David', 21) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 21) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Baskett, Hank', 22) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 22) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Booker, Lorenzo', 23) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 23) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Clemons, Chris', 24) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 24) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Demps, Quintin', 25) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 25) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Feeley, A.J.', 26) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 26) />

    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Hobbs, Ellis', 27) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 27) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Jackson, DeSean', 28) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 28) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Klecko, Dan', 29) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 29) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'McNabb, Donovan', 30) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Philadelphia Eagles', 30) />

    <!--- add 10 Redskins players to the "database" --->
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Alexander, Lorenzo', 31) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 31) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Campbell, Jason', 32) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 32) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Clark, Devin', 33) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 33) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Cooley, Chris', 34) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 34) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Dixon, Antonio', 35) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 35) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Fletcher, London', 36) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 36) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Hackett, D.J.', 37) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 37) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Randle El, Antwaan', 38) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 38) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Smoot, Fred', 39) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 39) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'playerName', 'Suisham, Shaun', 40) />
    <cfset querySetCell(qAllPlayers, 'team', 'Washington Redskins', 40) />

    <cfreturn qAllPlayers />

<cffunction name="getAllTeams" access="remote" output="false" returntype="query">
    <cfset var allPlayers   = getAllPlayers() />
    <cfset var qGetAllTeams = "" />

    <cfquery name="qGetAllTeams" dbtype="query">
        SELECT DISTINCT team FROM allPlayers ORDER BY team

    <cfreturn qGetAllTeams />






Here's some of my code that I've modified to match your example:

我的 HTML:

<table id="results" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


And my javascript, which puts the query result into the table:

    $("#runQuery").click(function () {


            type: "GET",
            url: "./test.cfm",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (resp, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)


    function buildResultsTable(resp)
        var tmp_html = $("<tr />");
        var j = 0;


            for (var i = 0; i < resp["COLUMNS"].length; i++)
                var tmp_th = $("<th />");   

            for (j = 0; j < resp["DATA"].length; j++)
                tmp_html = $("<tr />");

                for (var i = 0; i < resp["DATA"][j].length; i++)
                    var tmp_td = $("<td />");   


这篇关于如何使用 JSON 格式的 jQuery AJAX 从 .cfm 页面输出查询?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何使用 JSON 格式的 jQuery AJAX 从 .cfm 页面输出查