如何使用 Leaflet.draw 抓取一系列标记?

How can I grab a selection of markers with Leaflet.draw?(如何使用 Leaflet.draw 抓取一系列标记?)

本文介绍了如何使用 Leaflet.draw 抓取一系列标记?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我制作了一张地图,并在其中填充了大约 300 个随机标记.我可以通过单击弹出窗口中的链接来选择"标记并激活选择以显示数据.我还有 Leaflet.draw 插件来绘制圆形、矩形和自定义形状等形状,我想用它来选择"几个标记.

I've made a map, and populated it with around 300 random markers. I can 'select' the markers by clicking on a link in the popup and activate a selection to display data from. I also have the Leaflet.draw plugin to draw shapes like circles, rectangles and custom shapes, and I would like to use it to 'select' a couple of markers.


如何获取落入已绘制的 leaflet.draw 形状内的标记的传单标记对象,以便编辑它们?我似乎无法进行选择,它要么不选择任何标记,要么全部选择.

How can I grab the leaflet marker object of the markers that fall inside a drawn leaflet.draw shape so I can edit them? I cannot seem to make a selection, It either selects none of the markers, or all of them.


Code snippet, stripped from unnecessary code:

const drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
    draw: {
        marker   : false,
        polygon  : true,
        polyline : false,
        rectangle: true,
        circle   : {
            metric: 'metric'
    edit: false

const map = L.map('map', {
    layers: [streets, light]


map.on(L.Draw.Event.DRAWSTOP, e => {

    const hello = e.target;

    e.target.eachLayer(layer => {
        if (layer.options.icon) {



使用 Leaflet 的实用方法可以很容易地完成大部分您想要的事情.如果你想用像 L.Polygon 这样的复杂形状来做到这一点,你需要像 TurfJS 这样的东西

Most of what you want can quite easily be done using Leaflet's utility methods. If you want to do this with a complex shape like L.Polygon you're going to need something like TurfJS


For L.Circle you need to calculate the distance between the circle's center and compare it to the radius:

var marker = new L.Marker(...),
    circle = new L.Circle(...);

var contains = circle.getLatLng().distanceTo(marker.getLatLng()) < circle.getRadius();

对于 L.Rectangle 你需要获取它的边界对象并使用 contains 方法:

For L.Rectangle you need to fetch it's bounds object and use the contains method:

var marker = new L.Marker(...),
    rectangle = new L.Rectangle(...);

var contains = rectangle.getBounds().contains(marker.getLatLng());

正如对于复杂多边形所说,我使用的是 Turf,但那里有更多的库和插件.这是一个使用 Turf 的 inside 方法的示例.它采用 GeoJSON 点和多边形特征作为参数,因此请注意转换:

As said for complex polygons i'de use Turf but there are more libraries and plugins out there. Here's an example using Turf's inside method. It take a GeoJSON point and polygon feature as parameters so mind the conversion:

var marker = new L.Marker(...),
    polygon = new L.Polygon(...);

var contains = turf.inside(marker.toGeoJSON(), polygon.toGeoJSON());


You could wrap those into convenience methods for each respective class:

    contains: function (latLng) {
        return turf.inside(new L.Marker(latLng).toGeoJSON(), this.toGeoJSON());

    contains: function (latLng) {
        return this.getBounds().contains(latLng);

    contains: function (latLng) {
        return this.getLatLng().distanceTo(latLng) < this.getRadius();

var marker = new L.Marker(...),
    polygon = new L.Polygon(...),
    rectangle = new L.Rectangle(...),
    circle = new L.Circle(...);



Note that if you implement the polygon method that there is no need for the rectangle method. Since rectangle is extended from polygon it will inherit the method. I left it in there to be complete.


Now iterating your markers and comparing them is easy:

map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (e) {
    markers.eachLayer(function (marker) {
        if (!e.layer.contains(marker.getLatLng())) {


Hope that helps, here's a working snippet:

var map = new L.Map('leaflet', {
    'center': [0, 0],
    'zoom': 0

var markers = new L.LayerGroup().addTo(map);

for (var i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
    var marker = new L.Marker([
        (Math.random() * (90 - -90) + -90).toFixed(5) * 1,
        (Math.random() * (180 - -180) + -180).toFixed(5) * 1

new L.Control.Draw({
    draw: {
        marker   : false,
        polygon  : true,
        polyline : false,
        rectangle: true,
        circle   : {
            metric: 'metric'
    edit: false

    contains: function (latLng) {
        return turf.inside(new L.Marker(latLng).toGeoJSON(), this.toGeoJSON());

    contains: function (latLng) {
        return this.getBounds().contains(latLng);

    contains: function (latLng) {
        return this.getLatLng().distanceTo(latLng) < this.getRadius();

map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (e) {
    markers.eachLayer(function (marker) {
        if (!e.layer.contains(marker.getLatLng())) {

body {
    margin: 0;

html, body, #leaflet {
    height: 100%;

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这篇关于如何使用 Leaflet.draw 抓取一系列标记?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何使用 Leaflet.draw 抓取一系列标记?