CSS Box Model Attribute Ordering Convention(CSS 框模型属性排序约定)
如果您想知道以什么顺序输入 CSS 属性,如 border
等.两种常见的方法似乎是按字母顺序和盒子模型.(看:CSS 属性的常规顺序)
If you ever wonder in what order to enter your CSS attributes like border
, padding
, font-family
, etc. Two common approaches seem to be Alphabetical and Box Model. (See:
Conventional Order of CSS properties)
This not to be confused with selectors (#id
, .class
, :hover
, tagname
) in which case the order matters very much.
按字母顺序排列的选项对我来说没有多大意义.一方面,它将 padding
和 line-height
粘贴在 width
和 height
或 left 的中间
和 top
The Alphabetical option does not make much sense to me. For one thing it sticks padding
and line-height
in the middle of width
and height
or left
and top
我将使用 来自 fordinteractive.com 的列表发布 CW 答案,该列表是由 jacobangel 提供.
I will post a CW answer with the list from fordinteractive.com which was provided by jacobangel.
非常好,但不完整.有一些项目丢失.我希望找出丢失的那些像 font-style
和 clip
It is very nice, but it is not complete. There are a few items missing. I hope to find out where the missing ones go like font-style
and clip
这些新的应该在列表中的什么位置?是否还有其他遗漏?如果已经有针对同一件事的建议,请投票支持该评论,以表明您认为这是一个好主意.此外,可能还会有更多缺失.我希望这是一个完整的列表.如果有可以按此列表排序的工具或 IDE 功能也是一个好主意.
Where should these new ones go in the list? Are there any others that are missing? If there was already a suggestion for the same thing then vote for that comment to show you think it is a good idea. Also there will probably be more that are missing. I hope for this to be a complete list. It would also be a good idea if there was a tool or IDE feature that would sort by this list.
我发布此内容是因为在 Google 和 我所知道的是不完整的(我什至在谷歌上都找不到).我希望如果在其中编辑新的,我们将有一个每个人都可以遵循的完整列表.
I am posting this because there does not seem to be another page that can be found on Google and the one I do know of is incomplete (not even on Google that I could find). I expect that if new ones are edited in that we will have a complete list that everyone can follow.
Box Model Convention 复制自 http://fordinteractive.com/tools/propertyorder/propertyorder.css.
Box Model Convention copied from http://fordinteractive.com/tools/propertyorder/propertyorder.css.
Additions should be edited in when they are found to be missing from the list. Please comment on where you think that additions and wait for some agreement before adding them to the final list.
display: ;
visibility: ;
float: ;
clear: ;
position: ;
top: ;
right: ;
bottom: ;
left: ;
z-index: ;
width: ;
min-width: ;
max-width: ;
height: ;
min-height: ;
max-height: ;
overflow: ;
margin: ;
margin-top: ;
margin-right: ;
margin-bottom: ;
margin-left: ;
padding: ;
padding-top: ;
padding-right: ;
padding-bottom: ;
padding-left: ;
border: ;
border-top: ;
border-right: ;
border-bottom: ;
border-left: ;
border-width: ;
border-top-width: ;
border-right-width: ;
border-bottom-width: ;
border-left-width: ;
border-style: ;
border-top-style: ;
border-right-style: ;
border-bottom-style: ;
border-left-style: ;
border-color: ;
border-top-color: ;
border-right-color: ;
border-bottom-color: ;
border-left-color: ;
outline: ;
list-style: ;
table-layout: ;
caption-side: ;
border-collapse: ;
border-spacing: ;
empty-cells: ;
font: ;
font-family: ;
font-size: ;
line-height: ;
font-weight: ;
text-align: ;
text-indent: ;
text-transform: ;
text-decoration: ;
letter-spacing: ;
word-spacing: ;
white-space: ;
vertical-align: ;
color: ;
background: ;
background-color: ;
background-image: ;
background-repeat: ;
background-position: ;
opacity: ;
cursor: ;
content: ;
quotes: ;
的 Mozilla 和带有-webkit-user-select
的 Chrome 之外不支持.IE 使用 JavaScriptonselectstart
的 Mozilla 和带有-webkit-border-radius
的 Chrome)- Where should
go? - Where should
go? (not supported except by Mozilla with-moz-user-select
and Chrome with-webkit-user-select
. IE uses JavaScriptonselectstart
) - Where should
go? (not supported except by Mozilla with-moz-border-radius
and Chrome with-webkit-border-radius
Please comment if you have a suggestion as to where something should go.
这篇关于CSS 框模型属性排序约定的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:CSS 框模型属性排序约定
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