How do i overwrite protractor.conf.js values from the command line?(如何从命令行覆盖 protractor.conf.js 值?)
我目前有量角器设置可以在我们的集成服务器上运行.在 protractor.conf.js 文件中,我有以下内容:
I currently have protractor setup to run on our integration server. Inside the protractor.conf.js file i have the following:
multiCapabilities: [{
'browserName': 'firefox',
'platform': 'MAC'
}, {
'browserName': 'chrome',
'platform': 'MAC'
I would like to override this when running locally from the command line. I've tried the following with no success
protractor --verbose --browser=chrome
问题:从命令行本地运行时,如何切换到仅使用单个 chrome 实例?
Question: How do i switch to only using a single instance of chrome when running locally from the command line?
命令行参数是 capabilities.browserName
According to the source code, browser
command line argument is an alias of capabilities.browserName
根据 referenceConf.js
According to the referenceConf.js
// If you would like to run more than one instance of WebDriver on the same
// tests, use multiCapabilities, which takes an array of capabilities.
// If this is specified, capabilities will be ignored.
multiCapabilities: [],
换句话说,由于指定了 multiCapabilities
In other words, since multiCapabilities
are specified, capabilities
are ignored.
您可以尝试从命令行重置 multiCapabilities
What you can try to do is to reset multiCapabilities
from command-line:
protractor --verbose --browser=chrome --multiCapabilities
As an another workaround, have a separate config file for running a single browser instance.
- 添加了对 multiCapabilities 对象和 splitTestsBetweenCapabilities 布尔值的支持
- Multicapabilities 规范忽略命令行上的 --specs 标志并继续运行
这篇关于如何从命令行覆盖 protractor.conf.js 值?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:如何从命令行覆盖 protractor.conf.js 值?

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