Html5 canvas drawImage: how to apply antialiasing(Html5画布drawImage:如何应用抗锯齿)
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
canvas.width = 400;
canvas.height = 150;
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, 400, 150);
img.src = "aHR0cDovL29wZW53YWxscy5jb20vaW1hZ2UvMTczNC9jb2xvcmVkX2xpbmVzX29uX2JsdWVfYmFja2dyb3VuZF8xOTIweDEyMDAuanBn";
如您所见,尽管据说 drawImage 会自动应用抗锯齿,但图像并未进行抗锯齿处理.我尝试了许多不同的方法,但似乎不起作用.你能告诉我如何获得抗锯齿图像吗?谢谢.
As you see, the image is not anti-aliased although it is said that drawImage applies anti aliasing automatically. I tried many different ways but it doesn't seem to work. Could you please tell me how I can get anti-aliased image? Thanks.
Some images are just very hard to down-sample and interpolate such as this one with curves when you want to go from a large size to a small.
出于(可能的)性能原因,浏览器似乎通常对画布元素使用双线性(2x2 采样)插值,而不是双三次(4x4 采样).
Browsers appear to typically use bi-linear (2x2 sampling) interpolation with the canvas element rather than bi-cubic (4x4 sampling) for (likely) performance reasons.
If the step is too huge then there are simply not enough pixels to sample from which is reflected in the result.
从信号/DSP 的角度来看,您可以将此视为低通滤波器的阈值设置得太高,如果信号中有很多高频(细节),可能会导致混叠.
From a signal/DSP perspective you could see this as a low-pass filter's threshold value set too high, which may result in aliasing if there are many high frequencies (details) in the signal.
2018 年更新:
这是一个巧妙的技巧,可用于支持 2D 上下文中的 filter
Here's a neat trick you can use for browsers which supports the filter
property on the 2D context. This pre-blurs the image which is in essence the same as a resampling, then scales down. This allows for large steps but only needs two steps and two draws.
使用步数(原始大小/目标大小/2)作为半径进行预模糊(您可能需要根据浏览器和奇数/偶数步数进行启发式调整 - 此处仅显示简化):
Pre-blur using number of steps (original size / destination size / 2) as radius (you may need to adjust this heuristically based on browser and odd/even steps - here only shown simplified):
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
if (typeof ctx.filter === "undefined") {
alert("Sorry, the browser doesn't support Context2D filters.")
const img = new Image;
img.onload = function() {
// step 1
const oc = document.createElement('canvas');
const octx = oc.getContext('2d');
oc.width = this.width;
oc.height = this.height;
// steo 2: pre-filter image using steps as radius
const steps = (oc.width / canvas.width)>>1;
octx.filter = `blur(${steps}px)`;
octx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
// step 3, draw scaled
ctx.drawImage(oc, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
img.src = "Ly9pLnN0YWNrLmltZ3VyLmNvbS9jWWZ1TS5qcGc=";
body{ background-color: ivory; }
canvas{border:1px solid red;}
<br/><p>Original was 1600x1200, reduced to 400x300 canvas</p><br/>
<canvas id="canvas" width=400 height=250></canvas>
支持过滤器为 ogf Oct/2018:
Support for filter as ogf Oct/2018:
On Standard Track, Experimental
DESKTOP > |Chrome |Edge |Firefox |IE |Opera |Safari
filter ! | 52 | ? | 49 | - | - | -
MOBILE > |Chrome/A |Edge/mob |Firefox/A |Opera/A |Safari/iOS|Webview/A
filter ! | 52 | ? | 49 | - | - | 52
! = Experimental
Data from MDN - "npm i -g mdncomp" (c) epistemex
2017 年更新:现在定义了一个新属性设置重采样质量的规范:
Update 2017: There is now a new property defined in the specs for setting resampling quality:
context.imageSmoothingQuality = "low|medium|high"
目前仅在 Chrome 中支持.每个级别使用的实际方法由供应商决定,但假设 Lanczos 为高"或质量相当的东西是合理的.这意味着可以完全跳过降步,或者可以使用更大的步长而减少重绘,具体取决于图像大小和
It's currently only supported in Chrome. The actual methods used per level is left to the vendor to decide, but it's reasonable to assume Lanczos for "high" or something equivalent in quality. This means step-down may be skipped altogether, or larger steps can be used with fewer redraws, depending on the image size and
On Standard Track, Experimental
DESKTOP > |Chrome |Edge |Firefox |IE |Opera |Safari
imageSmoothingQuality !| 54 | ? | - | ? | 41 | Y
MOBILE > |Chrome/A |Edge/mob |Firefox/A |Opera/A |Safari/iOS|Webview/A
imageSmoothingQuality !| 54 | ? | - | 41 | Y | 54
! = Experimental
Data from MDN - "npm i -g mdncomp" (c) epistemex
browser. Until then..:
End of transmission
解决方案是使用step-down 来获得正确的结果.降压意味着您逐步减小尺寸,以允许有限的插值范围覆盖足够的像素进行采样.
The solution is to use step-down to get a proper result. Step-down means you reduce the size in steps to allow the limited interpolation range to cover enough pixels for sampling.
This will allow good results also with bi-linear interpolation (it actually behaves much like bi-cubic when doing this) and the overhead is minimal as there are less pixels to sample in each step.
理想的步骤是在每个步骤中将分辨率减半,直到您设置目标尺寸(感谢 Joe Mabel 提到这一点!).
The ideal step is to go to half the resolution in each step until you would set the target size (thanks to Joe Mabel for mentioning this!).
在这种情况下,您需要分 3 步下台:
In this case you will need to step down in 3 steps:
在第 1 步中,我们使用离屏画布将图像缩小到一半:
In step 1 we reduce the image to half by using an off-screen canvas:
// step 1 - create off-screen canvas
var oc = document.createElement('canvas'),
octx = oc.getContext('2d');
oc.width = img.width * 0.5;
oc.height = img.height * 0.5;
octx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height);
第 2 步重复使用离屏画布并将图像再次缩小到一半:
Step 2 reuses the off-screen canvas and draws the image reduced to half again:
// step 2
octx.drawImage(oc, 0, 0, oc.width * 0.5, oc.height * 0.5);
And we draw once more to main canvas, again reduced to half but to the final size:
// step 3
ctx.drawImage(oc, 0, 0, oc.width * 0.5, oc.height * 0.5,
0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
You can calculate total number of steps needed, using this formula (it includes the final step to set target size):
steps = Math.ceil(Math.log(sourceWidth / targetWidth) / Math.log(2))
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