如何使用 jquery 滚动到模式中的元素?

How to scroll to an element within a modal using jquery?(如何使用 jquery 滚动到模式中的元素?)

本文介绍了如何使用 jquery 滚动到模式中的元素?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个打开的模式,我将元素逐行插入.每行都有自己的 ID 标签.目前,随着列表变得比模态窗口大,文本只是隐藏在模态窗口的底部.您可以手动使用滚动条,但我希望文本在打印时在模式窗口中向上滚动.

I have an opened modal that I insert elements into line by line. Each line has it's own ID tag. Currently as the the list grows bigger than the modal window the text just gets hidden at the bottom of the modal window. You can manually use the scroll bar but I would like the text to scroll up in the modal window as they printed.

我已经使用了以下代码,但这只是在模式后面滚动网页.我也试过用模态元素替换 'html, body' 无济于事.

I have played around with the following code but that just scrolls the webpage behind the modal. I have also tried replacing 'html, body' with modal elements to no avail.

$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#Element').offset().top }, 500);


I'm sure I close. Any suggestions?



看起来你在 html 和 body 上调用 animate 方法.

It looks like you are calling the animate method on html and body.

$('html, body').animate(...);

如果你想滚动模态窗口,你必须调用那个元素的 animate 方法.

If you want to scroll the modals window you have to call the animate method on that element instead.


其中 #modal 是包含您创建的元素的元素.

Where #modal is the element containing the elements you've created.

我看到您尝试在模态框上调用 animate.Here 是一个小提琴,当您单击按钮时,它会在模式中滚动元素.

I see that you tried to call animate on the modal. Here is a fiddle that scrolls elements in a modal when you click the button.

在代码中,#Element 之后还有一个右括号,这会导致脚本出错:...scrollTop: $('#Element'])...

also in the code you have a closing bracket after #Element which is causing the script to error: ...scrollTop: $('#Element'])...

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本文标题为:如何使用 jquery 滚动到模式中的元素?