改变 nyromodal 窗口的大小

changing size of nyromodal window(改变 nyromodal 窗口的大小)

本文介绍了改变 nyromodal 窗口的大小的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这个脚本一直等到用户按下按钮,所以 nyromdal 开始

This script waits till user presses the button so nyromdal starts

    sizes: {minW:10,minH:10 },
    modal: false,
  closeOnClick: false

然后在按下脚本后,在更改 nyromodal 窗口的内容后,我试图更改窗口的大小,但它不会立即更改它,因此大小保持旧,出现滚动条.只有当您关闭窗口并再次调用它时,新的大小才会影响窗口.

Then in after press script, after changing content of nyromodal window I'm trying to change the size of window but it does not changes it immediately so the size remains old, scroll bars appear. And new size affect window only if you close the window and call it back again.

此代码将新内容放入 nyromdal 窗口中

This code puts new content into nyromdal window



And here we have 2 ways of changing the size. Both work only after close-reopen of window, not immediately.


width: 800,
height: 800


width: 800,
height: 800


So how can I change the size of window without reopen ?



Have found just now new function but it also fails to resize the window. Scroll bars disappear as if window wants to resize but it remains the same and scroll bars appear again.






that is, in my experience, the right way to performe the resizing.


您可以使用回调 afterResize 添加如下代码来调整高度:

You can adjust the height using the callback afterResize adding code like this:

    callbacks: {
        afterResize: function(nm) {                
           // to adjust according to your needs                
           $('nyroModalCont').css('height', $('.nyroModalDom img').height());

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本文标题为:改变 nyromodal 窗口的大小