
How to list all members from a specific server?(如何列出来自特定服务器的所有成员?)




const list = client.guilds.find("id", "335507048017952771")
       for (user of list.users){


This does literally nothing. There is no error or anything.


I just want the bot to find a server and then log all members from said server.

显示所有连接的用户 Discord.js 这个问题的答案没有一点也帮不上我.我确实尝试使用 message.guild.users 但这也没有做任何事情.似乎在 Discord 上找不到任何内容.js 网站 来帮助我.

Displaying all connected users Discord.js The answers in this question didn't really help me at all. I did try using message.guild.users but that also did nothing. Can't seem to find anything on the Discord.js site to help me either.


首先,不要使用.find("id", "335507048017952771"),你应该使用.get("335507048017952771"),正如它在 discord.js 文档.

Firstly, don't use .find("id", "335507048017952771"), you should be using .get("335507048017952771"), as it says on the discord.js documentation.

Discord.js 中使用的所有集合都使用它们的 id 属性进行映射,如果你想通过 id 查找,你应该使用 get 方法.有关详细信息,请参阅 MDN.p>

All collections used in Discord.js are mapped using their id property, and if you want to find by id you should use the get method. See MDN for details.

一个 Guild 没有 users 属性,因为它有一个 members 属性,返回 Collection.现在获取 username 从每个成员你可以从 user 属性.因此,您需要遍历 GuildMember 的集合,并获取 <GuildMember>.user.username.

A Guild does not have a users property, where as it has a members property, which returns a Collection of GuildMembers. Now to get the username from each member you can obtain that from the user property of the GuildMember. So, you will need to iterate through the collection of GuildMembers, and get the <GuildMember>.user.username.

有几种方法可以做到这一点,我将使用 forEach() 方法.结果如下:

There are several ways to do this, I will be using the forEach() method. Here's what that would look like as a result:

// Get the Guild and store it under the variable "list"
const list = client.guilds.get("335507048017952771"); 

// Iterate through the collection of GuildMembers from the Guild getting the username property of each member 
list.members.forEach(member => console.log(member.user.username)); 

