推荐一个同时处理日期和时间的 JS 日历小部件?

Recommend a JS calendar widget that handles both date and time?(推荐一个同时处理日期和时间的 JS 日历小部件?)

本文介绍了推荐一个同时处理日期和时间的 JS 日历小部件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个用户需要输入日期和时间的 Web 应用程序.我以前用过这个日历小部件,它工作正常:

I'm working on a Web app where users need to input a date and time. I've used this calendar widget before and it works fine:


但是,它自 2005 年以来就没有更新过.我想知道是否有人知道更好的版本.

However, it hasn't been updated since 2005. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a better one.

jQuery UI 中的日历不处理时间.只有日期.我需要一些能让用户使用一个控件同时输入日期和时间的东西.

The calendar in jQuery UI doesn't handle times. Only dates. I need something that will let the user input both date and time using one control.



I am not aware of any single widget which does both date and time well. Any combined widget I've seen is overly complex and confusing.

但是,我经常使用独立的日期和时间小部件:ClockPick 和 datePicker.两者都是 jQuery 插件,可以跨浏览器很好地工作,并且非常容易定制.

There are however independent date and time widgets which I use frequently: ClockPick and datePicker. Both are jQuery plugins, work great across browsers, and are very easy to customize.

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本文标题为:推荐一个同时处理日期和时间的 JS 日历小部件?