Routing to specific part of other component in React(路由到 React 中其他组件的特定部分)
我在路由到 React 中另一个功能组件的特定部分时遇到问题.我已经在 Main 组件中声明了 Route 并在我想要重定向的地方周围链接了......它看起来像这样......主函数获取:
I have a problem with routing to a specific part of another functional component in React. I have declared Route in Main component and Link around the place where I want to redirect from... it looks like this... The main function gets:
<Route exact path='/news/:eyof' component={News} />
<Route exact path='/news/:svetsko' component={News} />
<Route exact path='/news' component={News} />
And I defined in other functional component:
<div className="card">
<Link to="/news/:svetsko">
<div className="card-header">
<h3>Artistic gymnastics world championship</h3>
So by clicking on this link, I need to get redirected to News page class "svetsko" so I can read about that news... All news are in containers in same page....
Try something like this in your component:
let { scrollToSection } = useParams();
svetskoRef = React.createRef();
useParams() 允许您访问 :svetsko.当组件加载时,您可以使用 scrollToSection 在页面的不同部分之间导航.scrollRef 用于访问要滚动到的 DOM 元素.
useParams() allows you to access :svetsko. When the component loads, you can use scrollToSection to navigate between different parts of the page. The scrollRef is used to access the DOM element you want to scroll to.
<div className="card" ref="svetskoRef">
<Link to="/news/:svetsko">
<div className="card-header">
<h3>Artistic gymnastics world championship</h3>
这篇关于路由到 React 中其他组件的特定部分的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:路由到 React 中其他组件的特定部分
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