
Prevent editing of a specific editable row#39;s cell in inline-edit mode(防止在线编辑模式下编辑特定可编辑行的单元格)



在 jqGrid 中,我正在内联编辑模式下工作.

In jqGrid, I'm working in inline-edit mode.

当用户尝试编辑一行时(单击笔操作图标)我想阻止({editable: false})根据另一个单元格的内容编辑特定可编辑行的单元格在这一行.

When the user try to edit a row(click on the pen action icon) I want to prevent({editable: false}) the editing of a specific editable row's cell based on another cell's content in this row.

grid.setColProp('myColumn',{editable:false}); 对我不利,因为这将禁用对所有网格行中的myColumn"的编辑,我想申请它仅在当前编辑的行上.

grid.setColProp('myColumn',{editable:false}); is not good for me because this will disable the editing of 'myColumn' in all the grids's rows and I want to apply it only on the currently edited row.


属性 editable 的值对所有行都是通用的,但该值只会被 editRow 使用code> 方法,其中 initialize 内联编辑.因此,您可以根据 setColProp 动态更改 editable 属性的值(如 答案).请务必在每次调用 editRow 之前设置正确的 editable 属性值.在答案中可以看到对应的代码示例和demo.

The value of the property editable is common for all rows, but the value will be used only by editRow method which initialize inline editing. So you can change the value of editable property dynamically with respect of setColProp (like in the answer). It's important that you set the correct value of the editable property before every call of editRow. In the answer you can see corresponding code example and the demo.

更新:如果你使用 formatter: "actions" 那么你可以子类化" $.fn.fmatter.rowactions 调用onclick 处理程序.下面你可以看到相应代码的示例

UPDATED: If you use formatter: "actions" then you can "subclass" the $.fn.fmatter.rowactions called in onclick handler. Below you can see an example of the corresponding code

var orgRowActions = $.fn.fmatter.rowactions;
$.fn.fmatter.rowactions = function (rid, gid, act, pos) {
    var $grid = $("#" + $.jgrid.jqID(gid)),
        rowData = $grid.jqGrid("getLocalRow", rid),
        isNonEditable = false,
    // we can test any condition and change
    // editable property of any column
    if (act === "edit" && parseFloat(String(rowData.tax)) <= 20) {
        $grid.jqGrid("setColProp", "note", {editable: false});
        isNonEditable = true;
    result = orgRowActions.call(this, rid, gid, act, pos);
    if (isNonEditable) {
        // reset the setting to original state
        $grid.jqGrid("setColProp", "note", {editable: true});
    return result;

您可以在这里找到相应的演示.只有当tax"列中的值是<= 20时,note"列才可在演示中

The corresponding demo you will find here. The "note" column is editable in the demo only if the value from the "tax" column is <= 20:

如果你有 datatype: "json"datatype: "xml" 而不使用 loadonce: true 你应该替换调用getLocalRow 对上述代码中getRowDatagetCell 的调用.

If you would have datatype: "json" or datatype: "xml" without usage of loadonce: true you should replace call of getLocalRow to the call of getRowData or getCell in the above code.

