JS: how to encode an image.png into base64 code for data URI embedding?(JS:如何将 image.png 编码为 base64 代码以进行数据 URI 嵌入?)
我有几个不同尺寸的 .png 位图,例如 ./img/dog.png
和 ./img/cat.png
.如何通过 JS 加载我的图像的 base64
字符串? 我的预期数据是这样的(但要长得多):
I have several .png bitmaps of different dimensions, by example ./img/dog.png
and ./img/cat.png
. How to load the base64
string of my images via JS ? My expected data is omething like that (but far longer):
注意:我希望取回这个字符串,它是我的文件,只是我的文件,没有剪辑,也没有更大.然后我会将它嵌入到 SVG <image>
Note: I wish to get back this string which is my file and just my file, not clipped, nor bigger. I will then embedded it into a SVG <image>
element such:
<image href="
我的最终项目看起来会是这样 :)
My end project looks will look like that :)
另请参阅:https://rugger-demast.codio.io/front/_location_map-en-wikiatlas.html ,您可以在其中下载 SVG,但 png 目前只是一个链接,不会被下载.
See also: https://rugger-demast.codio.io/front/_location_map-en-wikiatlas.html , where you can download the SVG, but the png is currently just a link and will not get downloaded.
好的.解决方法在this fiddle中,解释如下.
OK. The solution is in this fiddle and explained as follows.
0) 目标: 我希望附加这样的内容:
0) Objective: I wish to append something such :
<img src="ZGF0YTpbbWltZSB0eXBlO11bY2hhcnNldD0mbHQ7Y2hhcnNldCZndDs7XVtiYXNlNjQsXVtiYXNlNjQgZGF0YV0="> // formula
<image src="ZGF0YTppbWFnZS9wbmc7YmFzZTY0LFNHVnNiRzhzLi4uSUhkdmNteGtJUT0="></image>" // shortened example
1) 以 64 为基数的 PNG 图像.
PNG 存储为 BLOB,也就是存储为单个实体的二进制数据集合".所以我需要一个 BLOB 到 Base64 的转换器:
1) PNG images to base 64.
PNGs are stored as BLOB, aka "a collection of binary data stored as a single entity". So I need a BLOB to Base64 converter :
var converterEngine = function (input) { // fn BLOB => Binary => Base64 ?
var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(input),
i = uInt8Array.length;
var biStr = []; //new Array(i);
while (i--) { biStr[i] = String.fromCharCode(uInt8Array[i]); }
var base64 = window.btoa(biStr.join(''));
return base64;
2) 加载文件并转换(数据)
var getImageBase64 = function (url, callback) {
// to comment better
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(url), img64;
xhr.open('GET', url, true); // url is the url of a PNG/JPG image.
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.callback = callback;
xhr.onload = function(){
img64 = converterEngine(this.response); // convert BLOB to base64
this.callback(null,img64) // callback : err, data
xhr.onerror = function(){ callback('B64 ERROR', null); };
// make it looks like other D3js requests
d3.uri = function(url, callback) {
return getImageBase64(url, callback);
3) 运行整体:
我使用回调运行该函数,以使用 base64 URI 数据附加图像元素.
3) Run the whole:
I run the function with the callback to append an image element with the base64 URI data.
d3.uri('http://fiddle.jshell.net/img/logo.png', function(data){
$("#myImage").attr("src", "data:image/png;base64," + data); // inject data:image in DOM
} )
来源:我从 Getting BLOB data from XHR request 得到帮助,然后 在那里演示.
Sources: I got help from Getting BLOB data from XHR request, then demoed there.
我实际上可能最终会使用服务器端转换(来源 这个和这个).可能的方法是:
I may actually end up using server-side conversion (sources this and this). Possible ways are :
echo -n `cat file.png` | base64 > output.txt
openssl base64 < path/to/file.png | tr -d '
' > output.txt
cat path/to/file.png | openssl base64 | tr -d '
' > output.txt
openssl base64 -in input.png -out output.txt
这篇关于JS:如何将 image.png 编码为 base64 代码以进行数据 URI 嵌入?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:JS:如何将 image.png 编码为 base64 代码以进行数据 URI 嵌入?

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