经度读数以 1x10^-7 度 lsb 为单位测量,带符号 2 的补码

longitude reading measured in degrees with a 1x10^-7 degree lsb, signed 2’s complement(经度读数以 1x10^-7 度 lsb 为单位测量,带符号 2 的补码)

本文介绍了经度读数以 1x10^-7 度 lsb 为单位测量,带符号 2 的补码的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在通过 udp 数据包从 gps 单元接收数据.Lat/Lng 值是十六进制的.

I am receiving data from a gps unit via a udp packet. Lat/Lng values are in hex.

13BF71A8 = 纬度 (33.1313576)
BA18A506 = 经度 (-117.2790010)

Example Data
13BF71A8 = Latitude (33.1313576)
BA18A506 = Longitude (-117.2790010)

文档解释说,经度/纬度读数以度为单位测量,1x10^-7 度 lsb,带符号 2 的补码.

The documentation explains that longitude/latitude readings are measured in degrees with a 1x10^-7 degree lsb, signed 2’s complement.

13BF71A8 = 331313576 * 0.0000001 = 33.1313576

For the Latitude I can convert using this formula:
13BF71A8 = 331313576 * 0.0000001 = 33.1313576

此代码适用于 Lat 但不适用于 Lng:

This code works for Lat but not for Lng:

function convertLat(h){
var latdec = parseInt(h,16);
    var lat = latdec * 0.0000001;
    return lat;

console.log("LAT: " + convertLat("13BF71A8"));


I am having trouble converting the Longitude value. Does anyone know how to convert the Longitude?


因为你使用的是有符号数,所以你需要指定一个十六进制代码应该翻转到底部的点.这将发生在 7FFFFFFF 及以上.现在更新您的代码以检查输入是否大于此数字,如果是,则从输入中减去它.

Because you are using signed numbers, you need to specify a point at which the hexadecimal code should flip to the bottom. This will be happening at 7FFFFFFF and up. Now update your code to check if the input is greater than this number, and if so, subtract it from the input.

function convert(h) {
    dec = parseInt(h, 16);
    return (dec < parseInt('7FFFFFFF', 16)) ?
        dec * 0.0000001 :
        0 - ((parseInt('FFFFFFFF', 16) - dec) * 0.0000001);


The only reason your example worked is because the output was expected to be positive.

正如评论中提到的 AlexWien:由于每次解析 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 都会给出相同的整数,因此您可以将它们存储为常量.它们的值分别是 21474836474294967295.

As AlexWien mentioned in the comments: Since parsing 7FFFFFFF and FFFFFFFF are giving the same integers every time, you could store them as constants. Their values are 2147483647 and 4294967295 respectively.

这篇关于经度读数以 1x10^-7 度 lsb 为单位测量,带符号 2 的补码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:经度读数以 1x10^-7 度 lsb 为单位测量,带符号 2 的补码