Why use private lock over intrinsic lock?(为什么使用私有锁而不是内在锁?)
While reading about synchronization, I came across "monitor pattern" to encapsulate mutable states.
public class MonitorLock {
private final Object myLock = new Object();
Widget widget;
void someMethod() {
synchronized(myLock) {
// Access or modify the state of widget
Is it better in any way to have a private lock instead of the intrinsic lock?
是的 - 这意味着您可以看到所有可能获得该锁的代码(抛开反射的可能性).
Yes - it means you can see all the code which could possibly acquire that lock (leaving aside the possibility of reflection).
如果您锁定 this
If you lock on this
(which is what I assume you're referring to by "the intrinsic lock") then other code can do:
MonitorLock foo = new MonitorLock();
synchronized(foo) {
// Do some stuff
此代码可能与 MonitorLock
This code may be a long way away from MonitorLock
itself, and may call other methods which in turn take out monitors. It's easy to get into deadlock territory here, because you can't easily see what's going to acquire which locks.
With a "private" lock, you can easily see every piece of code which acquires that lock, because it's all within MonitorLock
. It's therefore easier to reason about that lock.

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