Android java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException:对象未在等待()之前被线程锁定

Android java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException: object not locked by thread before wait()(Android java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException:对象未在等待()之前被线程锁定)

本文介绍了Android java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException:对象未在等待()之前被线程锁定的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I define a global static object as a synchronization lock.

public static Object ConfirmationSynObj = new Object();

下面的函数是我写的,但是它抛出了一个 IllegalMonitorStateException.

The following function is what I wrote, but it throw a IllegalMonitorStateException.

       synchronized (Config.ConfirmationSynObj) {
            new Thread(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    //this is a http request
                    appSignInfo = getAPKSignature(context, pkinfo.packageName);
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            if (appSignInfo == null) {
                return ret;


Does anyone know how to lock an object or a function in order to prevent the concurrency?


wait/notify 的常见替代品是 CountDownLatch.(也来自 java.util.concurrent,但工作方式与 Semaphore 是相反的 - 请参阅 Tom 的回答)

A common replacement for wait/notify is CountDownLatch. (From java.util.concurrent as well but working kind of inverse of Semaphore - see answer by Tom)

您将其初始化为所需的步数,已完成倒计时的线程和其他一些地方等待倒计时达到 0.

You initialize it to the amount of steps required, threads that have finished count down and some other place waits for the countdown to reach 0.

void doFoo() {
    final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            //this is a http request
            appSignInfo = getAPKSignature(context, pkinfo.packageName);
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    if (appSignInfo == null) {
        return ret;


But the code you wrote there can be simplified to

void doFoo() {
    return getAPKSignature(context, pkinfo.packageName);


You start a second thread to do something and all you do in that time is to wait. If there is nothing to do while that task is running don't create an extra thread. The result is the same.

如果您因为得到 NetworkOnMainThreadExcpeption 而尝试在 UI 线程之外执行 HTTP 请求,则必须以不同的方式执行.虽然 Android 不会像长时间阻塞代码那样检测到您的代码,但它仍然是.以 AsyncTask 为例.

If you try to do a HTTP request outside of the UI thread because you get that NetworkOnMainThreadExcpeption, you have to do it differently. While Android won't detect your code as long time blocking code it still is. Use an AsyncTask for example.

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本文标题为:Android java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException:对象未在等待()之前被线程锁定