Eclipse 跨计算机同步工作区/视角/首选项

Eclipse sync workspaces/perspectives/preferences across computers(Eclipse 跨计算机同步工作区/视角/首选项)

本文介绍了Eclipse 跨计算机同步工作区/视角/首选项的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a project I need to be working on from two different computers, at work and at home. I need to be able to work on the code from both computers, so the issue is two fold;

  1. 分享代码
  2. 共享工作空间.

1 使用 svn 很简单;但我觉得将损坏的代码提交到 svn 只是为了让我可以从家里再次访问它.我可以忍受这个,但有更好的选择吗?

1 is simple enough with svn; but I feel icky committing broken code to svn just so I can access that again from home. I can live with this but is there a better option?

详细说明 2. 我在其中一台计算机上进行了高度定制的 eclipse 设置,我花了数小时添加插件并调整我可以访问的每个微小配置选项,以使其达到恰到好处的程度.在另一台计算机上重做每一个更改会很痛苦,有什么方法可以自动同步吗?我知道我可以从 Eclipse 中导出首选项并导入它们,但我不想每次更改某些内容时都必须手动执行此操作.[另外,我不认为导出偏好也会导出观点?]

To elaborate more on 2. I have a highly customized eclipse setup on one of the computers where I spent hours adding plugins and tweaking every tiny config options I could access to get it to the point where it is just right. It'll be a pain redoing every single change on the other computer, is there some way to automatically sync that? I know I can export preferences from Eclipse and import them, but I don't want to have to manually do that each time I change something. [Also, I don't think exporting preferences also exports perspectives?]

两台计算机都运行 Windows.

Both computers run windows.


为了跟进这个问题,我一直在使用 Pulse 并取得了一些成功它不是理想的解决方案,但到目前为止对我来说效果很好.

To followup on this, i've been using Pulse with some success Its not the ideal solution but it's been working pretty well for me so far.

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