锁定特定对象的 Java 线程

Java threads locking on a specific object(锁定特定对象的 Java 线程)

本文介绍了锁定特定对象的 Java 线程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 Web 应用程序,我正在使用 Oracle 数据库,我有一个基本上像这样的方法:

I have a web application and I am using Oracle database and I have a method basically like this:

public static void saveSomethingImportantToDataBase(Object theObjectIwantToSave) {
      if (!methodThatChecksThatObjectAlreadyExists) {
         storemyObject() //pseudo code
     // Have to do a lot other saving stuff, because it either saves everything or nothing
     commit() // pseudo code to actually commit all my changes to the database.


Right now there is no synchronization of any kind so n threads can of course access this method freely, the problem arises when 2 threads enter this method both check and of course there is nothing just yet, and then they can both commit the transaction, creating a duplicate object.

我不想用我的数据库中的唯一键标识符来解决这个问题,因为我认为我不应该捕获那个 SQLException.

I do not want to solve this with a unique key identifier in my Database, because I don't think I should be catching that SQLException.


I also cannot check right before the commit, because there are several checks not only 1, which would take a considerable amount of time.

我对锁和线程的经验是有限的,但我的想法基本上是将此代码锁定在它正在接收的对象上.我不知道是否例如说我收到一个整数对象,并且我锁定我的值为 1 的整数,这只会阻止另一个值为 1 的整数的线程进入,以及所有其他具有 value 的线程!= 1 可以自由进入?,是这样的吗?

My experience with locks and threads is limited, but my idea is basically to lock this code on the object that it is receiving. I don't know if for example say I receive an Integer Object, and I lock on my Integer with value 1, would that only prevent threads with another Integer with value 1 from entering, and all the other threads with value != 1 can enter freely?, is this how it works?.


Also if this is how it works, how is the lock object compared? how is it determined that they are in fact the same object?. A good article on this would also be appreciated.


How would you solve this?.



Your idea is a good one. This is the simplistic/naive version, but it's unlikely to work:

public static void saveSomethingImportantToDataBase(Object theObjectIwantToSave) {
    synchronized (theObjectIwantToSave) {
        if (!methodThatChecksThatObjectAlreadyExists) {
            storemyObject() //pseudo code
        // Have to do a lot other saving stuff, because it either saves everything or nothing
        commit() // pseudo code to actually commit all my changes to the database.

此代码使用对象本身作为锁.但它必须是 same 对象(即 objectInThreadA == objectInThreadB)才能工作.如果两个线程在一个对象上操作,该对象是彼此的副本 - 例如,具有相同的id",那么您需要同步整个方法:

This code uses the object itself as the lock. But it has to be the same object (ie objectInThreadA == objectInThreadB) if it's to work. If two threads are operating on an object that is a copy of each other - ie has the same "id" for example, then you'll need to either synchronize the whole method:

    public static synchronized void saveSomethingImportantToDataBase(Object theObjectIwantToSave) ...

这当然会大大降低并发性(使用该方法吞吐量将一次下降到一个线程 - 应避免).

which will of course greatly reduce concurrency (throughput will drop to one thread at a time using the method - to be avoided).


Or find a way to get the same lock object based on the save object, like this approach:

private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Object> LOCKS = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Object>();
public static void saveSomethingImportantToDataBase(Object theObjectIwantToSave) {
    synchronized (LOCKS.putIfAbsent(theObjectIwantToSave.getId(), new Object())) {
    LOCKS.remove(theObjectIwantToSave.getId()); // Clean up lock object to stop memory leak

这是推荐的最后一个版本:它将确保共享相同id"的两个保存对象被相同的锁定对象锁定 - 方法 ConcurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent() 是线程安全的,所以这会起作用",它只需要 objectInThreadA.getId().equals(objectInThreadB.getId()) 才能正常工作.此外,由于 java 的 int)/guide/language/autoboxing.html" rel="nofollow noreferrer">自动装箱.

This last version it the recommended one: It will ensure that two save objects that share the same "id" are locked with the same lock object - the method ConcurrentHashMap.putIfAbsent() is threadsafe, so "this will work", and it requires only that objectInThreadA.getId().equals(objectInThreadB.getId()) to work properly. Also, the datatype of getId() can be anything, including primitives (eg int) due to java's autoboxing.

如果您为您的对象覆盖 equals()hashcode(),那么您可以使用对象本身而不是 object.getId(),这将是一个改进(感谢@TheCapn 指出这一点)

If you override equals() and hashcode() for your object, then you could use the object itself instead of object.getId(), and that would be an improvement (Thanks @TheCapn for pointing this out)

此解决方案仅适用于一个 JVM.如果您的服务器是集群的,那么完全不同的球赛和 java 的锁定机制将无济于事.您必须使用集群锁定解决方案,这超出了此答案的范围.

This solution will only work with in one JVM. If your servers are clustered, that a whole different ball game and java's locking mechanism will not help you. You'll have to use a clustered locking solution, which is beyond the scope of this answer.

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本文标题为:锁定特定对象的 Java 线程