Drawing textured polygons with libgdx(使用 libgdx 绘制带纹理的多边形)
我使用 libgdx 的渲染周期有问题,基本上我需要用方形纹理填充一个区域,而这个区域的最后一部分可能比纹理更小或形状不同,所以这意味着我需要渲染一个任意形状的四边形并在其上贴上纹理,切割我不需要的部分.
I'm having a problem with my rendering cycle using libgdx, basically I need to fill an area with a square texture, and the last part of this area may be smaller or with a different shape than the texture, so it means that i need to render a quad of arbitrary form and slap the texture on it, cutting the parts I don't need.
我对如何做到这一点有点迷茫,到目前为止,我已经看到 PolygonRegion 和 PolygonSpriteBatch 可能会为我做这件事,但我对实例化一个我只会使用的新重物有点警惕在一个物体上.
I'm a bit lost on how to do this, so far I've seen that the PolygonRegion and PolygonSpriteBatch might do it for me, but I'm a bit wary of instancing a new heavy object I'll use only on one object.
还有其他选择吗?也许是 Mesh 类,但我想确定.
Is there any alternative? Perhaps the Mesh class but i'd like to be certain.
我建议使用 Mesh
来准确定义您想要的区域.定义顶点并将它们映射到纹理坐标有点繁琐,但很高兴知道一些更高级别的 API(如 *Batch 位)下面发生了什么.此外,*Batch API 旨在共享跨多个对象上传单个纹理的权重,这听起来可能不适用于这种情况.(另一方面,即使 Batch 对象有点重量级",在实践中它们实际上也可能不是问题.)
I suggest using a Mesh
to define exactly what region you want. Defining the vertex points and mapping those to the texture coordinates is a bit fiddly, but its good to know what's going on underneath some of the higher level APIs (like the *Batch bits). Additionally, the *Batch APIs are designed to share the weight of uploading a single texture across multiple objects, which sounds like it might not apply in this case. (On the other hand, even if the Batch objects are a bit "heavyweight", they may not actually be a problem in practice.)
Another approach to consider is to render the object as a square mesh, but to define your texture with transparent pixels for all the pixels outside the region. (I'm assuming the non-square shape is something you can know offline, and isn't dynamic.)
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本文标题为:使用 libgdx 绘制带纹理的多边形

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