Android. How to move object in the direction it is facing (using Vector3 and Quaternion)(安卓.如何沿它所面对的方向移动对象(使用 Vector3 和四元数))
我正在使用 libGDX(实际上对它来说很新)和 Android.我想将 3d 对象朝它所面对的方向移动(使用一些速度).我认为这是一个基本问题,但找不到直接的答案.我有一个表示对象旋转(方向)的四元数,我有一个表示对象位置的 Vector3.问题是如何使用来自四元数的信息更新位置 Vector3,以便在四元数表示的方向上移动对象.(另一种方法是从四元数中提取滚动俯仰和偏航,并通过应用三角计算获得新坐标.但我认为必须有一种方法可以使用 Vector3 和 Quat 来实现.)
I'm using libGDX (quite new to it in fact) and Android. And I want to move 3d object in the direction it is facing (using some speed). I thinks it's a basic question but can't find a straight nswer for it. I have a Quaternion representing object rotation(direction) and I have a Vector3 representing the object position. The question is how to update the position Vector3 using info from Quaternion in order to move object in the direction represented by Quaternion. (An alternative to this is extract roll pitch and yaw from Quaternion and get the new coords by applying trigonometric calculations. But i think there must be a way to achieve this using Vector3 and Quat.)
四元数用于指定旋转.您首先需要指定不应用旋转时的方向.例如,如果您想在未应用旋转时沿 X 轴移动:
Quaternion is used to specify a rotation. You first need to specify the direction when no rotation is applied. For example if you want to move along the X axis when no rotation is applied:
Vector3 baseDirection = new Vector3(1,0,0);
Make sure the base direction is normalized (length = 1),you can use the nor()
method to be safe:
Vector3 baseDirection = new Vector3(1,0,0).nor();
Next you'll need to rotate the direction using the Quaternion:
Vector3 direction = new Vector3();
Quaternion rotation = your_quaternion;
Now that you have the direction, you can scale it with the amount you want to move it. You'll probably want to do this every frame and depending on the time elapsed since the last frame.
final float speed = 5f; // 5 units per second
Vector3 translation = new Vector3();
translation.scl(speed *;
Finally you need to add the translation to the position
Of course, depending on your actual implementation you can batch multiple operations, e.g.:
translation.set(baseDirection).mul(rotation).scl(speed *;
更新:从 Xoppa 的评论中添加工作代码:
Update: Adding working code from Xoppa's comment:
translation.set(baseDirection).rot(modelInstance.transform).nor().scl(speed * delta)
这篇关于安卓.如何沿它所面对的方向移动对象(使用 Vector3 和四元数)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:安卓.如何沿它所面对的方向移动对象(使用 Vect

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