我想使用F#在两个长时间运行的F#进程之间进行简单的一对一通信.他们将在每个ca定期交换信息. 5秒.到目前为止,我已经达到了这一点:#r System.ServiceModel#r System.Runtime.Serialization//#r @d:\DLL\Proto...
我想使用F#在两个长时间运行的F#进程之间进行简单的一对一通信.他们将在每个ca定期交换信息. 5秒.到目前为止,我已经达到了这一点:
#r "System.ServiceModel"
#r "System.Runtime.Serialization"
//#r @"d:\DLL\Protobuf\protobuf-net.dll"
#time "on"
open System.ServiceModel
type IService =
// [<ProtoBuf.ServiceModel.ProtoBehavior>]
abstract Test: float [] [] [] -> string
type Service () =
interface IService with
member o.Test data = sprintf "Hello, %A" data
let server = System.Threading.Thread (fun () ->
let svh = new ServiceHost (typeof<Service>)
svh.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof<IService>, NetNamedPipeBinding(), "net.pipe://localhost/123") |> ignore
svh.Open () )
server.IsBackground <- true
let scf: IService = ChannelFactory.CreateChannel (NetNamedPipeBinding(), EndpointAddress "net.pipe://localhost/123")
let rnd = System.Random ()
let arr =
Array.init 100 (fun i ->
Array.init 10 (fun j ->
Array.init 10 (fun k ->
printfn "%s" (scf.Test arr)
您可以使用Message Inspector检查WCF是否实际上在使用ProtoBuf序列化器(不是). ProtoBehavior似乎仅适用于指定了DataContract / ProtoContract属性的值.因此,在下面的修改示例中,我创建了一个Vector记录类型(也用F#3 CLIMutable属性标记)来包装数组:
#r "System.ServiceModel"
#r "System.Runtime.Serialization"
#r "protobuf-net.dll"
#time "on"
open System.ServiceModel
open System.Runtime.Serialization
[<DataContract; ProtoBuf.ProtoContract; CLIMutable>]
type Vector<'T> = { [<DataMember; ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1)>] Values : 'T[] }
type IService =
abstract Test: Vector<Vector<Vector<float>>> -> string
type Service () =
interface IService with
member o.Test data = sprintf "Hello, %A" data
let server = System.Threading.Thread (fun () ->
let svh = new ServiceHost (typeof<Service>)
let binding = NetNamedPipeBinding()
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize <- binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize * 4L
svh.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof<IService>, binding, "net.pipe://localhost/123") |> ignore
svh.Open () )
server.IsBackground <- true
let scf: IService =
let binding = NetNamedPipeBinding()
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize <- binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize * 4L
ChannelFactory.CreateChannel (binding, EndpointAddress "net.pipe://localhost/123")
let rnd = System.Random ()
let arr =
{ Values = Array.init 100 (fun i ->
{ Values =
Array.init 10 (fun j ->
{ Values =Array.init 10 (fun k -> rnd.NextDouble()) }
printfn "%s" (scf.Test arr)
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