我的应用程序中有2个数据上下文(不同的数据库),需要能够在上下文中查询上下文A中的表,并在上下文中的表上使用右连接.如何在LINQ2SQL中执行此操作?Why?: We are using a SaaS product for tracking our time, projec...
Why?: We are using a SaaS product for tracking our time, projects, etc. and would like to send new service requests to this product to prevent our team from duplicating data entry.
Context A: This db stores service request information. It is a third party DB and we are not able to make changes to the structure of this DB as it could have unintended non-supportable consequences downstream.
Context B: This data stores the “log” data of service requests that have been processed. My team and I have full control over this DB’s structure, etc. Unprocessed service requests should find their way into this DB and another process will identify it as not being processed and send the record to the SaaS product.
var query = (from c in contextA.Cases
where monitoredInboxList.Contains(c.INBOXES.inboxName)
//right join d in contextB.CaseLog on d.ID = c.ID....
select new
//setup fields here...
本文标题为:c# – 如何使用LINQ2SQL连接两个不同上下文的表?
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