SQL Server convert()函数可以将varbinary数据转换为具有此编码的字符串:Each binary character is converted into two hexadecimal characters. Ifthe length of the converted expression is greater than the da...
SQL Server convert()函数可以将varbinary数据转换为具有此编码的字符串:
Each binary character is converted into two hexadecimal characters. If
the length of the converted expression is greater than the data_type
length it will be right truncated.If the data_type is a fix sized character type and the length of the
converted result is less than its length of the data_type; spaces are
added to the right of the converted expression to maintain an even
number of hexadecimal digits.The characters 0x will be added to the left of the converted result
for style 1.
例如,输出可能看起来像’0x389D7156C27AA70F15DD3105484A8461A2268284′.我怎样才能在C#中轻松做同样的事情?即使用相同类型的编码将byte []转换为字符串?
"0x" + BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", "")
或者您可以使用LINQ和string.Concat().Net 4版本:
"0x" + string.Concat(bytes.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")))
在.Net 3.5中,您必须添加ToArray():
"0x" + string.Concat(bytes.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")).ToArray())
本文标题为:c# – 如何使用.NET将byte []转换为字符串,以生成与SQL Server转换格式1或2相同的字符串?
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