我正在将我们的WordPress数据库迁移到RDS,RDS也被我们基础设施中的其他服务使用.但我找不到wp-config.php的任何配置选项,我可以指定连接到服务器时使用的SSL.这还需要参考亚马逊提供的certificate authority file. W...
我正在将我们的WordPress数据库迁移到RDS,RDS也被我们基础设施中的其他服务使用.但我找不到wp-config.php的任何配置选项,我可以指定连接到服务器时使用的SSL.这还需要参考亚马逊提供的certificate authority file. WordPress当前运行的应用服务器位于AWS群集之外.
我能找到的答案是fairly old(我在这里使用WordPress 4.2)并没有提供太多指导.
如何配置WordPress以通过SSL连接使用Amazon RDS(指定公钥)?
1.将以下内容添加到wordpress wp-includes / wp-db.php文件中. (最后2行仅用于插入点参考)
//ADDED per https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/28625
// call set_ssl if mysql client flag set and settings available
if ( $client_flags & MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL ) {
$pack = array( $this->dbh );
$call_set = false;
foreach( array( 'MYSQL_SSL_KEY', 'MYSQL_SSL_CERT', 'MYSQL_SSL_CA',
'MYSQL_SSL_CAPATH', 'MYSQL_SSL_CIPHER' ) as $opt_key ) {
$pack[] = ( defined( $opt_key ) ) ? constant( $opt_key ) : null;
$call_set |= defined( $opt_key );
/* Now if anything was packed - unpack into the function.
* Note this doesn't check if paths exist, as per the PHP doc
* at http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.ssl-set.php: "This
* function always returns TRUE value. If SSL setup is incorrect
* mysqli_real_connect() will return an error ..."
if ( $call_set ) { // SSL added here!
call_user_func_array( 'mysqli_ssl_set', $pack );
}//END ADD - below is the point above which to insert this
if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
mysqli_real_connect( $this->dbh, $host, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword, null, $port, $socket, $client_flags );
2.自定义wordpress wp-config.php文件.
define('DB_HOST', 'rds-yourserver-abcdefghi9j.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com');
define('MYSQL_CLIENT_FLAGS', MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL);//This activates SSL mode
define('MYSQL_SSL_CA', '/file/path/to/your/aws/rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem');
请注意,您可以在配置中使用5个可用的MYSQL_SSL *设置,每个代码在上面的#1中.我的RDS连接通过SSL工作,只有_CA选项.
添加快速测试文件以显示当前Wordpress连接是否使用SSL.创建一个名为test.php的示例文件,并将其放入wordpress root或web可访问的地方.完成测试后不要忘记删除此文件.
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' ); //EDIT THIS PATH SO IT IS CORRECT FOR YOUR test.php file relative to the wp-blog-header.php file
global $wpdb;
$row = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'" );
If you are connected over SSL this should output something like:
object(stdClass)#116 (2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(10) "Ssl_cipher" ["Value"]=> string(10) "AES256-SHA" }
If you are NOT connected over SSL this should output something like:
object(stdClass)#116 (2) { ["Variable_name"]=> string(10) "Ssl_cipher" ["Value"]=> string(10) "" }
部署您的更改& test.php文件到您的wordpress安装,并根据需要重新启动您的Web服务器.我正在使用apache,所以我跑了
sudo apachectl restart
本文标题为:mysql – 使用带有WordPress over SSL的amazon RDS
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