
How to correct the spaces between the columns while reading a text file?(如何在阅读文本文件时纠正列之间的空格?)



我想从文本文件中读取数据并将其写入hdf5格式。但不知何故,在数据文件的中间,列之间的空格消失了。small part of the file数据如下:
Generated by trjconv : P/L=1/400 t=   0.00000
    1P1     aP1    1  80.48  35.36   4.25
    2P1     aP1    2  37.45   3.92   3.96
    3P2     aP2    3  18.53  -9.69   4.68
    4P2     aP2    4  55.39  74.34   4.60
    5P3     aP3    5  22.11  68.71   3.85
 9994LI     aLI 9994  24.60  41.14   5.32
 9995LI     aLI 9995  88.47  43.02   5.72
 9996LI     aLI 9996  18.98  40.60   5.56
 9997LI     aLI 9997  35.63  46.43   5.68
 9998LI     aLI 9998  33.81  52.15   5.41
 9999LI     aLI 9999  38.72  57.18   5.32
10000LI     aLI10000  29.36  47.12   5.55
10001LI     aLI10001  82.55  44.80   5.50
10002LI     aLI10002  42.52  51.00   5.19
10003LI     aLI10003  28.61  40.21   5.70
10004LI     aLI10004  38.16  42.85   5.33
Generated by trjconv : P/L=1/400 t=   1000.00
    1P1     aP1    1  80.48  35.36   4.25
    2P1     aP1    2  37.45   3.92   3.96
    3P2     aP2    3  18.53  -9.69   4.68
    4P2     aP2    4  55.39  74.34   4.60
    5P3     aP3    5  22.11  68.71   3.85
 9994LI     aLI 9994  24.60  41.14   5.32
 9995LI     aLI 9995  88.47  43.02   5.72
 9996LI     aLI 9996  18.98  40.60   5.56
 9997LI     aLI 9997  35.63  46.43   5.68
 9998LI     aLI 9998  33.81  52.15   5.41
 9999LI     aLI 9999  38.72  57.18   5.32
10000LI     aLI10000  29.36  47.12   5.55
10001LI     aLI10001  82.55  44.80   5.50
10002LI     aLI10002  42.52  51.00   5.19
10003LI     aLI10003  28.61  40.21   5.70
10004LI     aLI10004  38.16  42.85   5.33
import h5py
import numpy as np

#define a np.dtype for gro array/dataset (hard-coded for now)
gro_dt = np.dtype([('col1', 'S4'), ('col2', 'S4'), ('col3', int), 
                   ('col4', float), ('col5', float), ('col6', float)])

# Next, create an empty .h5 file with the dtype
with h5py.File('xaa.h5', 'w') as hdf:
    ds= hdf.create_dataset('dataset1', dtype=gro_dt, shape=(20,), maxshape=(None,)) 

    # Next read line 1 of .gro file
    f = open('xaa', 'r')
    data = f.readlines()

    # loop to read rows from 2 until end
    skip, incr, row0 = 2, 20, 0 
    read_gro = True
    while read_gro:
        arr = np.genfromtxt('xaa', skip_header=skip, max_rows=incr, dtype=gro_dt)
        rows = arr.shape[0]
        if rows == 0:
            read_gro = False 
            if row0+rows > ds.shape[0] :
            ds[row0:row0+rows] = arr
            skip += rows
            row0 += rows


 ValueError: Some errors were detected !
    Line #7 (got 5 columns instead of 6)
    Line #8 (got 5 columns instead of 6)
    Line #9 (got 5 columns instead of 6)


答案更新2021-09-09: 根据注释中的请求,我添加了两个使用f.readline()的新方法。一个使用索引对行进行切片,另一个使用struct包对字段进行解包。struct应该更快,但我没有看到测试文件的性能有显著差异(75个时间步长)。 此外,我还修改了代码,使其在文件末尾使用while True:和Break进行循环。这样就无需输入时间步数。

这是我根据您对上一个问题的回答所遇到的问题而编写的答案。(参考文献:Reading data from gromacs file and write it to the hdf5 file format。此答案使用readlines()将数据读取到列表中。(这可能是您的大文件的一个问题。如果是,则可以使用readline()将解决方案修改为逐行阅读。)它使用与字段宽度对齐的索引对每行上的数据进行切片。警告:阅读50e6行可能需要一段时间。注意:HDF5支持字符串(但h5py不支持NumPy Unicode字符串)。


import h5py
import numpy as np

csv_file = 'xaa.txt' # data from link in question

# define a np.dtype for gro array/dataset (hard-coded for now)
gro_dt = np.dtype([('col1', 'S7'), ('col2', 'S8'), ('col3', int), 
                   ('col4', float), ('col5', float), ('col6', float)])
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = 7, 15, 20, 27, 34
# The values above are used as indices to slice line 
# into the following fields in the loop on data[]: 
# [:7], [7:15], [15:20], [20:27], [27:34], [34:]

# Open the file for reading and
# create an empty .h5 file with the dtype above   
with open(csv_file, 'r') as f, 
     h5py.File('xaa.h5', 'w') as hdf:

    data = f.readlines()
    skip = 0
    step = 0
    while True:
        # Read text header line for THIS time step
        if skip == len(data):
            print("End Of File")
            header = data[skip]
            skip += 1
        # get number of data rows
        no_rows = int(data[skip]) 
        skip += 1
        arr = np.empty(shape=(no_rows,), dtype=gro_dt)
        for row, line in enumerate(data[skip:skip+no_rows]):
            arr[row]['col1'] = line[:c1].strip()            
            arr[row]['col2'] = line[c1:c2].strip()            
            arr[row]['col3'] = int(line[c2:c3])
            arr[row]['col4'] = float(line[c3:c4])
            arr[row]['col5'] = float(line[c4:c5])
            arr[row]['col6'] = float(line[c5:])
        if arr.shape[0] > 0:
            # create a dataset for THIS time step
            ds= hdf.create_dataset(f'dataset_{step:04}', data=arr) 
            #create attributes for this dataset / time step
            hdr_tokens = header.split()
            ds.attrs['raw_header'] = header
            ds.attrs['Generated by'] = hdr_tokens[2]
            ds.attrs['P/L'] = hdr_tokens[4].split('=')[1]
            ds.attrs['Time'] = hdr_tokens[6]
        # increment by rows plus footer line that follows
        skip += 1 + no_rows


import h5py
import numpy as np

csv_file = 'xaa.txt'

#define a np.dtype for gro array/dataset (hard-coded for now)
gro_dt = np.dtype([('col1', 'S7'), ('col2', 'S8'), ('col3', int), 
                   ('col4', float), ('col5', float), ('col6', float)])

## gro_fmt=[0:7], [7:15], [15:20], [20:27], [27:34], [34:41]
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = 7, 15, 20, 27, 34
# Open the file for reading and
# create an empty .h5 file with the dtype above   
with open(csv_file, 'r') as f, 
     h5py.File('xaa.h5', 'w') as hdf:

    step = 0
    while True:
    # Read text header line for THIS time step
        header = f.readline()
        if not header:
            print("End Of File")

        # get number of data rows
        no_rows = int(f.readline()) 
        arr = np.empty(shape=(no_rows,), dtype=gro_dt)
        for row in range(no_rows):
            line = f.readline()
            arr[row]['col1'] = line[:c1].strip()            
            arr[row]['col2'] = line[c1:c2].strip()            
            arr[row]['col3'] = int(line[c2:c3])
            arr[row]['col4'] = float(line[c3:c4])
            arr[row]['col5'] = float(line[c4:c5])
            arr[row]['col6'] = float(line[c5:])
        if arr.shape[0] > 0:
            # create a dataset for THIS time step
            ds= hdf.create_dataset(f'dataset_{step:04}', data=arr) 
            #create attributes for this dataset / time step
            hdr_tokens = header.split()
            ds.attrs['raw_header'] = header
            ds.attrs['Generated by'] = hdr_tokens[2]
            ds.attrs['P/L'] = hdr_tokens[4].split('=')[1]
            ds.attrs['Time'] = hdr_tokens[6]
        footer = f.readline()
        step += 1


import struct
import numpy as np
import h5py

csv_file = 'xaa.txt'

fmtstring = '7s 8s 5s 7s 7s 7s'
fieldstruct = struct.Struct(fmtstring)
parse = fieldstruct.unpack_from

#define a np.dtype for gro array/dataset (hard-coded for now)
gro_dt = np.dtype([('col1', 'S7'), ('col2', 'S8'), ('col3', int), 
                   ('col4', float), ('col5', float), ('col6', float)])

with open(csv_file, 'r') as f, 
     h5py.File('xaa.h5', 'w') as hdf:
    step = 0
    while True:         
        header = f.readline()
        if not header:
            print("End Of File")

        # get number of data rows
        no_rows = int(f.readline())
        arr = np.empty(shape=(no_rows,), dtype=gro_dt)
        for row in range(no_rows):
            fields = parse( f.readline().encode('utf-8') )
            arr[row]['col1'] = fields[0].strip()            
            arr[row]['col2'] = fields[1].strip()            
            arr[row]['col3'] = int(fields[2])
            arr[row]['col4'] = float(fields[3])
            arr[row]['col5'] = float(fields[4])
            arr[row]['col6'] = float(fields[5])
        if arr.shape[0] > 0:
            # create a dataset for THIS time step
            ds= hdf.create_dataset(f'dataset_{step:04}', data=arr) 
            #create attributes for this dataset / time step
            hdr_tokens = header.split()
            ds.attrs['raw_header'] = header
            ds.attrs['Generated by'] = hdr_tokens[2]
            ds.attrs['P/L'] = hdr_tokens[4].split('=')[1]
            ds.attrs['Time'] = hdr_tokens[6]
        footer = f.readline()
        step += 1

