检查stl容器中元素的类型 - C++

check type of element in stl container - c++(检查stl容器中元素的类型 - C++)

本文介绍了检查stl容器中元素的类型 - C++的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何获取 STL 容器所包含的元素的类型?

how can i get the type of the elements that are held by a STL container?


对于一般容器,它将是 X::value_type.对于关联容器,它将是 X::mapped_type(X::value_type 对应于 pair).符合 C++ 标准第 23 章.

For containers in general it will be X::value_type. For associative containers it will be X::mapped_type (X::value_type corresponds to pair<const Key,T>). It is according to Chapter 23 of C++ Standard.

要检查类型是否相等,您可以使用 boost::is_same.从 C++11 开始 — std::is_same.

To check that types are equal you could use boost::is_same. And since C++11 — std::is_same.

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