向量字符串 push_back 在 C++ 中不起作用

vector string push_back is not working in c++(向量字符串 push_back 在 C++ 中不起作用)

本文介绍了向量字符串 push_back 在 C++ 中不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


This code snippet receives string, delimiter(space) and vector as argument and splits the string according to delimiter and stores it in vector. It is not storing anything into vector if i use push_back but works if i use [] operator. Can someone explain why push_back is not working?

void split(const string & input,char delim,vector<string> & elems){
    stringstream  ss;
    string item;
    int i = 0;
        elems[i] = item;

int main(){
   char delim = ' ';
   vector<string> item(2);
   string input;


If you've pre-allocated the vector with some size (n), then pushback(item) puts item at index n and resizes the vector to an even larger size. If you know the string count due in, then you should use elems[i] = item; anyway after an allocation of size n.

If you don't know the count coming in, but know it's going to be larger than some n, do not pre-allocate. Instead, RESERVE some memory with elems.reserve(n);

Then use elems.push_back(item);

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本文标题为:向量字符串 push_back 在 C++ 中不起作用