Templates polymorphism(模板多态性)
class Interface {
// ...
class Foo : public Interface {
// ...
template <class T>
class Container {
// ...
我还有其他一些 Bar 类的构造函数.
And I have this constructor of some other class Bar.
Bar(const Container<Interface> & bar){
// ...
When I call the constructor this way I get a "no matching function" error.
Container<Foo> container ();
Bar * temp = new Bar(container);
What is wrong? Are templates not polymorphic?
我认为你需要的确切术语是模板协方差",这意味着如果 B 继承自 A,那么 T<B>
继承自 T<A>
.在 C++ 中不是这种情况,Java 和 C# 泛型*也不是.
I think the exact terminology for what you need is "template covariance", meaning that if B inherits from A, then somehow T<B>
inherits from T<A>
. This is not the case in C++, nor it is with Java and C# generics*.
There is a good reason to avoid template covariance: this will simply remove all type safety in the template class. Let me explain with the following example:
//Assume the following class hierarchy
class Fruit {...};
class Apple : public Fruit {...};
class Orange : public Fruit {...};
//Now I will use these types to instantiate a class template, namely std::vector
int main()
std::vector<Apple> apple_vec;
apple_vec.push_back(Apple()); //no problem here
//If templates were covariant, the following would be legal
std::vector<Fruit> & fruit_vec = apple_vec;
//push_back would expect a Fruit, so I could pass it an Orange
//Oh no! I just added an orange in my apple basket!
因此,无论 A 和 B 之间的关系如何,您都应该将 T<A>
和 T<B>
Consequently, you should consider T<A>
and T<B>
as completely unrelated types, regardless of the relation between A and B.
那么您如何解决您面临的问题?在 Java 和 C# 中,您可以分别使用 有界通配符 和 约束:
So how could you solve the issue you're facing? In Java and C#, you could use respectively bounded wildcards and constraints:
//Java code
Bar(Container<? extends Interface) {...}
//C# code
Bar<T>(Container<T> container) where T : Interface {...}
下一个 C++ 标准(称为 C++1x(以前称为 C++0x))最初包含一个更强大的机制,名为 概念,这将使开发人员对模板参数强制执行语法和/或语义要求,但不幸的是推迟到以后的日期.但是,Boost 有一个可能感兴趣的 Concept Check 库你.
The next C++ Standard (known as C++1x (formerly C++0x)) initially contained an even more powerful mechanism named Concepts, that would have let developers enforce syntaxic and/or semantic requirements on template parameters, but was unfortunately postponed to a later date. However, Boost has a Concept Check library that may interest you.
尽管如此,对于您遇到的问题,概念可能有点矫枉过正,使用 @gf 可能是最好的解决方案.
Nevertheless, concepts might be a little overkill for the problem you encounter, an using a simple static assert as proposed by @gf is probably the best solution.
* 更新:从 .Net Framework 4 开始,可以将泛型参数标记为 协变或逆变.
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