DOM 更改后刷新浏览器悬停效果

Refresh the browser hover effect after a DOM change(DOM 更改后刷新浏览器悬停效果)

本文介绍了DOM 更改后刷新浏览器悬停效果的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个元素,它的 css 在 :hover 下被更改.我还有一些改变元素高度的javascript.但是,如果在 :hover 状态处于活动状态时触发 javascript,即使高度变化将元素从鼠标下方移出,该状态仍然存在.

I've got an element whose css is altered under :hover. I've also got some javascript that changes the height of the element. However if the javascript fires while the :hover state is active the state remains even though the height change moves the element out from underneath the mouse.

此外,由于 javascript 是由元素内的点击事件触发的.这种效果也会出现在触摸屏上.

Also since the javascript is fired by a click event within the element. This effect occurs on touch screens too.


I want to know if there's some way of coping with this issue. Can I force the browser to re-calculate hover (or mouseover etc)? Looking at this question, I'm not optimistic.

我创建了一个 fiddle 来演示这个问题.

I've created a fiddle to demonstrate the issue.

我想如果最坏的情况发生了,我可以用类,mouseentermouseleaveDOMAttrModified 手动完成所有操作.但这听起来很痛苦,甚至可能在 javascript 方面代价高昂(我必须手动识别鼠标是否位于我的元素范围内).

I guess if the worst comes to the worst I could do it all manually with classes, mouseenter, mouseleave and DOMAttrModified. But that sounds like a pain and may even be costly in terms of javascript (I'll have to manually identify whether the mouse sits within the bounds of my elements).


好的,所以我真的不能触摸 DOMAttrModified,性能损失是 大量.

OK, so I really can't touch DOMAttrModified, the performance hit is massive.


element.parentNode.replaceChild(element, element);

element.parentNode.replaceChild(element, element);

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本文标题为:DOM 更改后刷新浏览器悬停效果