Fade In Fade Out Problem with a Image Gallery(图片库的淡入淡出问题)
我在 WordPress 中使用图片库,图片从数据库中获取并显示到前端.
I am using a image gallery in WordPress, images are fetching from database and displaying it into front end.
In my case a big image container, and three image thumbnail,
I want, when when i click on the thumbnail of the image the previous image which in container goes fade out and clicked image set in to image container.
我的 HTML 标记
<!--A container Div which have 1st image from the thumbnail-->
<div class="wl-poster">
<a href=#" id="wl-poster-link">
<img id="poster-main-image" src="L3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDEwLzA5L1J1ZGVyYXR1c19mYXJtLmpwZw==">
<!--For Thumbnails-->
<div id="wl-poster-thumb">
<ul id="posterlist">
<li class="poster-thumb">
<img alt="VGh1bWJuYWls" src="L3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDEwLzA5L1J1ZGVyYXR1c19mYXJtLmpwZw==" rel="http://www.cnn.com/">
<li class="poster-thumb">
<img alt="VGh1bWJuYWls" src="L3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDEwLzA5LzMwNDcwMDY1ODFfMWVlYzdmNjQ3ZC5qcGc=" rel="http://yahoo.com">
<li class="poster-thumb" style="margin-right: 0pt;">
<img alt="VGh1bWJuYWls" src="L3dwLWNvbnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fkcy8yMDEwLzA5L2x1c2gtc3VtbWVyLWxvdWlzdmlsbGUta2VudHVja3ktd2FsbHBhcGVycy0xMDI0eDc2OC5qcGc=" rel="http://apple.com">
使用 jQuery
if(jQuery('.homepage-poster').length > 0){ // since this will return a empty
var img_src = jQuery("#wl-poster-thumb ul li:first img").attr('src');
var href_path = jQuery("#wl-poster-thumb ul li:first img").attr('rel');
var final_src = img_src.replace(/&h=.+/gi, '&h=380&w=450&zc=1');
jQuery('.wl-poster img').attr('src',final_src);
jQuery('.wl-poster a').attr('href',href_path );
jQuery('#posterlist .poster-thumb img').click(function(){
var href_path = jQuery(this).attr('rel');
var img_src = jQuery(this).attr('src');
var final_src = img_src.replace(/&h=.+/gi, '&h=380&w=450&zc=1');
jQuery('#poster-main-image').remove(function() {
// $('#img1').fadeOut('slow').remove();
// $('#img1').fadeOut('slow').fadeIn('slow');
jQuery('#wl-poster-link').attr('href', href_path);
//wait till image has loaded, you could think about a loading-gif laying above your image-container..
jQuery('#loading').show(); //or fadeIn
jQuery('#poster-main-image').load(function() { jQuery('#loading').hide(); jQuery(this).fadeIn('slow'); });
You added a point too much on your chaining. Also, the remove-function is not needed.
你忘记在你的 a#wl-poster-link 上为 href 加上一个开头.也解决这个问题.
You forgot a beginning " on your a#wl-poster-link for the href. Fix this too.
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