向 jQuery 滑块添加刻度线?

Add tick marks to jQuery slider?(向 jQuery 滑块添加刻度线?)

本文介绍了向 jQuery 滑块添加刻度线?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何向 jQuery 滑块添加刻度线?假设我的值从 1 到 10,我如何在每个值上添加一个刻度?

How do I add tick marks to the jQuery slider? Say I have values from 1 to 10, how I can I add a tick at each value?

我在 S.O. 上看到过类似的帖子.但他们都建议使用插件,由于与其他元素有很多交互性,我想对其进行硬编码.

I've seen similar posts on S.O. but they all suggest plug-ins, and I would like to hard code it due to a lot of interactivity with other elements.



类似于这个 SO Question.Mortimer 的回答可能会有所帮助.

Similar to this SO Question. The answer from Mortimer might help.

虽然目前还没有官方的做法,但如果能在 jQuery UI 滑块中烘焙它会很不错.

Although there is no official way of doing it yet, it'd be nice to have it baked in the jQuery UI slider.

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本文标题为:向 jQuery 滑块添加刻度线?