Vue. How to get a value of a quot;keyquot; attribute in created element(Vue.如何获取“键的值?创建元素中的属性)
我尝试创建一个组件并获取其在 axios 中使用的密钥.元素已创建,但我无法获得密钥.未定义
I try to create a components and get its key for using in axios. Elements created, but I can't get a key. It's undefined
<div class="container" id="root">
<paddock is="paddock-item" v-for="paddock in paddocks" :key="paddock.key" class="paddock">
var pItem = {
props: ['key'],
template: '<div :test="key"></div>',
created: function() {
new Vue({
el: '#root',
components: {
'paddock-item': pItem
data: {
paddocks: [
{key: 1},
{key: 2},
{key: 3},
{key: 4}
我尝试了一些变体,但没有结果 - @key 为空.
I try some variants, but no result - @key was empty.
是 Vue 中的 特殊属性.您必须将您的财产称为其他名称.
This answer answers the question of how you would pass the key to a child component. If you just want to get the current key from inside the child component, use the highest voted answer.
is a special attribute in Vue. You will have to call your property something else.
这里是使用 pkey
Here is an alternative using pkey
var pItem = {
props: ['pkey'],
template: '<div :test="pkey"></div>',
created: function() {
new Vue({
el: '#root',
components: {
'paddock-item': pItem
data: {
paddocks: [{
key: 1
key: 2
key: 3
key: 4
<script src="aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG5qcy5jbG91ZGZsYXJlLmNvbS9hamF4L2xpYnMvdnVlLzIuNC4yL3Z1ZS5qcw=="></script>
<div class="container" id="root">
<paddock-item v-for="paddock in paddocks" :pkey="paddock.key" :key="paddock.key" class="paddock">
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