
#39;transform3d#39; not working with position: fixed children(“transform3d不适用于位置:固定的孩子)



I have a situation where, in normal CSS circumstances, a fixed div would be positioned exactly where it is specified (top:0px, left:0px).

This does not seem to be respected if I have a parent that has a translate3d transform. Am I not seeing something? I have tried other webkit-transform like style and transform origin options but had no luck.

I have attached a JSFiddle with an example where I would have expected the yellow box be at the top corner of the page rather than inside of the container element.

You can find below a simplified version of the fiddle:

#outer {
    -webkit-transform:translate3d(0px, 20px , 0px); 
    height: 300px; 
    border: 1px solid #5511FF; 
    padding: 10px;
    background: rgba(100,180,250, .8); 
    width: 80%;
    border: 1px dotted #445511; 
    height: 300px; 
    padding: 5px;
    background: rgba(250,10,255, .6);
#inner {
    position: fixed; 
    top: 0px;
    box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #333; 
    height: 20px; 
    left: 0px;
    background: rgba(200,180,80, .8); 
    margin: 5px; 
    padding: 5px;

<div id="container">
    Blue: Outer, <br>
    Purple: Middle<br>
    Yellow: Inner<br>
    <div id="outer"> 
        <div id="middle">
            <div id="inner">
                Inner block

How can I make translate3d work with fixed-positioned children?


This is because the transform creates a new local coordinate system, as per W3C spec:

In the HTML namespace, any value other than none for the transform results in the creation of both a stacking context and a containing block. The object acts as a containing block for fixed positioned descendants.

This means that fixed positioning becomes fixed to the transformed element, rather than the viewport.

There's not currently a work-around that I'm aware of.

It is also documented on Eric Meyer's article: Un-fixing Fixed Elements with CSS Transforms.

