您能否提供一些示例说明为什么使用正则表达式难以解析 XML 和 HTML?

Can you provide some examples of why it is hard to parse XML and HTML with a regex?(您能否提供一些示例说明为什么使用正则表达式难以解析 XML 和 HTML?)

本文介绍了您能否提供一些示例说明为什么使用正则表达式难以解析 XML 和 HTML?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我看到人们犯了一个错误 over 和 再次 正在尝试使用正则表达式解析 XML 或 HTML.以下是解析 XML 和 HTML 困难的几个原因:

One mistake I see people making over and over again is trying to parse XML or HTML with a regex. Here are a few of the reasons parsing XML and HTML is hard:


People want to treat a file as a sequence of lines, but this is valid:


人们想要对待 <或 <tag 作为标签的开始,但是这样的东西在野外存在:

People want to treat < or <tag as the start of a tag, but stuff like this exists in the wild:

<img src="aW1ndGFnLmdpZg==" alt="Jmx0O2ltZyZndDs=" />

人们通常希望将开始标签与结束标签匹配,但 XML 和 HTML 允许标签包含自己(传统的正则表达式根本无法处理):

People often want to match starting tags to ending tags, but XML and HTML allow tags to contain themselves (which traditional regexes cannot handle at all):

<span id="outer"><span id="inner">foo</span></span> 


People often want to match against the content of a document (such as the famous "find all phone numbers on a given page" problem), but the data may be marked up (even if it appears to be normal when viewed):

<span class="phonenum">(<span class="area code">703</span>)
<span class="prefix">348</span>-<span class="linenum">3020</span></span>


Comments may contain poorly formatted or incomplete tags:

<a href="foo">foo</a>
<!-- FIXME:
    <a href="
<a href="bar">bar</a>


What other gotchas are you aware of?


这里有一些有趣的有效 XML:

Here's some fun valid XML for you:

<!DOCTYPE x [ <!ENTITY y "a]>b"> ]>
    <a b="&y;>" />
    <![CDATA[[a>b <a>b <a]]>
    <?x <a> <!-- <b> ?> c --> d


And this little bundle of joy is valid HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd" [
    <!ENTITY % e "href='hello'">
    <!ENTITY e "<a %e;>">
    <p id  =  a:b center>
    <span / hello </span>
    &amp<br left>
    <!---- >t<!---> < -->
    &e link </a>


Not to mention all the browser-specific parsing for invalid constructs.


编辑(Jörg W Mittag):这是另一个很好的格式良好、有效的 HTML 4.01:

EDIT (Jörg W Mittag): Here is another nice piece of well-formed, valid HTML 4.01:


这篇关于您能否提供一些示例说明为什么使用正则表达式难以解析 XML 和 HTML?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:您能否提供一些示例说明为什么使用正则表达式难以解析 XML 和 HTML?