ES6 模块实现,如何加载 json 文件

ES6 modules implementation, how to load a json file(ES6 模块实现,如何加载 json 文件)

本文介绍了ES6 模块实现,如何加载 json 文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在实施一个来自 的示例


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import suburbs from 'json!../suburbs.json';

function getSuggestions(input, callback) {
  const suggestions = suburbs
    .filter(suburbObj => suburbMatchRegex.test(suburbObj.suburb))
    .sort((suburbObj1, suburbObj2) =>
      suburbObj1.suburb.toLowerCase().indexOf(lowercasedInput) -
    .slice(0, 7)
    .map(suburbObj => suburbObj.suburb);

  // 'suggestions' will be an array of strings, e.g.:
  //   ['Mentone', 'Mill Park', 'Mordialloc']

  setTimeout(() => callback(null, suggestions), 300);


This copy-paste code from the example (that works), has an error in my project:

Error: Cannot resolve module 'json' in /home/juanda/redux-pruebas/components

如果我去掉前缀 json!:

If I take out the prefix json!:

import suburbs from '../suburbs.json';


This way I got not errors at compile time (import is done). However I got errors when I execute it:

Uncaught TypeError: _jsonfilesSuburbsJson2.default.filter is not a function

如果我调试它,我可以看到郊区是一个 objectc,而不是一个数组,所以没有定义过滤函数.

If I debug it I can see suburbs is an objectc, not an array so filter function is not defined.


However in the example is commented suggestions is an array. If I rewrite suggestions like this, everything works:

  const suggestions = suburbs
  var suggestions = [ {
    'suburb': 'Abbeyard',
    'postcode': '3737'
  }, {
    'suburb': 'Abbotsford',
    'postcode': '3067'
  }, {
    'suburb': 'Aberfeldie',
    'postcode': '3040'
  } ].filter(suburbObj => suburbMatchRegex.test(suburbObj.suburb))


So... what json! prefix is doing in the import?

为什么我不能把它放在我的代码中?一些 babel 配置?

Why can't I put it in my code? Some babel configuration?



First of all you need to install json-loader:

npm i json-loader --save-dev


Then, there are two ways how you can use it:

  1. 为了避免添加json-loader在每个 import 你可以添加到 webpack.config 这一行:

  1. In order to avoid adding json-loader in each import you can add to webpack.config this line:

loaders: [
  { test: /.json$/, loader: 'json-loader' },
  // other loaders 


import suburbs from '../suburbs.json';

  • 直接在你的 json-loader代码>导入,如您的示例:

    import suburbs from 'json!../suburbs.json';

  • 注意:webpack 2.* 代替关键字 loaders 需要使用 rules.,

    webpack 2.* 默认使用 json-loader

    *.json 文件现在支持不带 json-loader.你仍然可以使用它.这不是重大变化.

    *.json files are now supported without the json-loader. You may still use it. It's not a breaking change.


    这篇关于ES6 模块实现,如何加载 json 文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

    本文标题为:ES6 模块实现,如何加载 json 文件