jQuery autocomplete @mention(jQuery 自动完成 @提及)
我有这个来自 Andrew Whitaker 的自动完成插件 - DEMO 假设我在 textarea
I have this autocomplete plugin from Andrew Whitaker - DEMO Lets say I have a string in a textarea
@peterwateber 欢迎"
"@peterwateber welcome"
I want it to output in a hidden tag as
@[peterwateber] 欢迎"
"@[peterwateber] welcome"
我应该怎么做?我不太擅长 Javascript...
how should I do it? I'm not that good at Javascript...
I've tried looking at this code here from Hawkee
我写了这里提到的原始代码并修复了 Peter 遇到的菜单问题:
I wrote the original code mentioned here and have fixed the menu problem Peter was having:
这篇关于jQuery 自动完成 @提及的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:jQuery 自动完成 @提及

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