How to read parameter#39;s value, present in conf.js file of protractor in specs(如何读取参数的值,存在于规格中量角器的 conf.js 文件中)
exports.config = {
directConnect: false,
// multiCapabilities: [{
// browserName: 'firefox'
// }, {
// browserName: 'chrome'
// }, {
// browserName: 'internet explorer'
// }],
specs: ['Specs/spec.js'],
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
it('should be able to select the required organization', function() {
//This is where I need to read the config paramater values, but above is printing undefined.
expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual('p3 by NextGen - CSR & Development Capital Management Platform');
我需要读取 conf.js 文件中存在的参数值,以便我可以在 specs.js 文件中读取它们以根据 conf.js 中传递的参数值采取必要的操作.有没有办法可以做到这一点.
I need to read the parameter's value present in the conf.js file, so that I can read them in specs.js file to take necessary actions based on the parameter;'s value passed in the conf.js. Is there a way in which this can be possible.
是的,您可以使用 browser.getProcessedConfig
访问所有配置值.检查 这里了解更多详情
Yes, you can access all the config values using browser.getProcessedConfig
.Check here for more details
describe('test', function(){
it('test', function(){
console.log(config.baseUrl) // Print Url
console.log(config.specs) // Prints specs
console.log(config.capabilities) // Prints capabilities
In case you are looking to make it re-usable
this.getConfParameterValue = function() {
return browser.getProcessedConfig().then(function(config) {
return config.directConnect;
这篇关于如何读取参数的值,存在于规格中量角器的 conf.js 文件中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:如何读取参数的值,存在于规格中量角器的 con

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