Angular2 testing: What#39;s the difference between a DebugElement and a NativeElement object in a ComponentFixture?(Angular2 测试:ComponentFixture 中的 DebugElement 和 NativeElement 对象有什么区别?)
我目前正在整理一些在组件级别测试 Angular 2 应用程序的最佳实践.
I'm currently putting together some best practices for testing Angular 2 apps on a component level.
我看过一些教程查询夹具的 NativeElement 对象以获取选择器等,例如
I've seen a few tutorials query a fixture's NativeElement object for selectors and the like, e.g.
it('should render "Hello World!" after click', async(() => {
builder.createAsync(HelloWorld).then((fixture: ComponentFixture<HelloWorld>) => {
let el = fixture.nativeElement;
expect(el.querySelector('h1')).toHaveText('Hello World!');
但是,在 juliemr 的 Angular 2测试种子 她通过父 DebugElement 对象访问 NativeElement.
However, in juliemr's Angular 2 test seed she accesses the NativeElement through a parent DebugElement object.
it('should render "Hello World!" after click', async(() => {
builder.createAsync(HelloWorld).then((fixture: ComponentFixture<HelloWorld>) => {
let compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;
expect(compiled.querySelector('h1')).toHaveText('Hello World!');
是否有任何特定情况下您会使用夹具的 debugElement.nativeElement 而不是其 nativeElement?
Are there any specific cases you'd use a fixture's debugElement.nativeElement over its nativeElement?
返回对 DOM 元素的引用DebugElement
是一个 Angular2 类,它包含与调查元素或组件相关的各种引用和方法(参见 DebugNode和DebugElement的源码nativeElement
returns a reference to the DOM elementDebugElement
is an Angular2 class that contains all kinds of references and methods relevant to investigate an element or component (See the source of DebugNode and DebugElement
这篇关于Angular2 测试:ComponentFixture 中的 DebugElement 和 NativeElement 对象有什么区别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:Angular2 测试:ComponentFixture 中的 DebugElement 和 Nati

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