无法使用 Django manage.py 创建超级用户

Not able to create super user with Django manage.py(无法使用 Django manage.py 创建超级用户)

本文介绍了无法使用 Django manage.py 创建超级用户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Trying to create a super user for my database:

manage.py createsuperuser


Getting a sad recursive message:

由于未在 TTY 中运行,已跳过创建超级用户.您可以在项目中运行 manage.py createsuperuser 手动创建一个.

Superuser creation skipped due to not running in a TTY. You can run manage.py createsuperuser in your project to create one manually.

真的是 Django 吗?认真的吗?

Seriously Django? Seriously?

我找到的唯一信息是上面列出的信息,但它不起作用:由于无法在 django 中创建超级用户不能在 TTY 中工作

The only information I found for this was the one listed above but it didn't work: Unable to create superuser in django due to not working in TTY

这里还有一个,基本一样:无法创建超级用户 Django

And this other one here, which is basically the same: Can't Create Super User Django



$ python manage.py createsuperuser
Superuser creation skipped due to not running in a TTY. You can run manage.py createsuperuser in your project to create one manually.

Git Bash 并面对上述错误消息尝试附加 winpty 即例如:

from Git Bash and face the above error message try to append winpty i.e. for example:

$ winpty python manage.py createsuperuser
Username (leave blank to use '...'):

为了能够像往常一样在 Windows 上运行 python 命令,我通常所做的是将别名行附加到 ~/.profile 文件,即

To be able to run python commands as usual on windows as well what I normally do is appending an alias line to the ~/.profile file i.e.

 MINGW64 ~$ cat ~/.profile
 alias python='winpty python'

这样做之后,要么获取 ~/.profile 文件,要么只是重新启动终端,初始命令 python manage.py createsuperuser 应该会按预期工作!

After doing so, either source the ~/.profile file or simply restart the terminal and the initial command python manage.py createsuperuser should work as expected!

这篇关于无法使用 Django manage.py 创建超级用户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:无法使用 Django manage.py 创建超级用户