Handle either a list or single integer as an argument(将列表或单个整数作为参数处理)
函数应根据行名(在本例中为第 2 列)选择表中的行.它应该能够将单个名称或名称列表作为参数并正确处理它们.
A function should select rows in a table based on the row name (column 2 in this case). It should be able to take either a single name or a list of names as arguments and handle them correctly.
This is what I have now, but ideally there wouldn't be this duplicated code and something like exceptions would be used intelligently to choose the right way to handle the input argument:
def select_rows(to_select):
# For a list
for row in range(0, table.numRows()):
if _table.item(row, 1).text() in to_select:
# For a single integer
for row in range(0, table.numRows()):
if _table.item(row, 1).text() == to_select:
其实我同意Andrew Hare的回答,只是传递一个包含单个元素的列表.
Actually I agree with Andrew Hare's answer, just pass a list with a single element.
But if you really must accept a non-list, how about just turning it into a list in that case?
def select_rows(to_select):
if type(to_select) is not list: to_select = [ to_select ]
for row in range(0, table.numRows()):
if _table.item(row, 1).text() in to_select:
在单个项目列表上执行in"的性能损失不太可能很高 :-)但这确实指出了如果您的to_select"列表可能很长,您可能需要考虑做的另一件事:考虑将其转换为一个集合,以便查找更有效.
The performance penalty for doing 'in' on a single-item list isn't likely to be high :-) But that does point out one other thing you might want to consider doing if your 'to_select' list may be long: consider casting it to a set so that lookups are more efficient.
def select_rows(to_select):
if type(to_select) is list: to_select = set( to_select )
elif type(to_select) is not set: to_select = set( [to_select] )
for row in range(0, table.numRows()):
if _table.item(row, 1).text() in to_select:
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