如何在没有命令的情况下使用 discord.py 发送消息

How to send a message with discord.py without a command(如何在没有命令的情况下使用 discord.py 发送消息)

本文介绍了如何在没有命令的情况下使用 discord.py 发送消息的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


import discord
import asyncio

client = discord.Client()
async def on_ready():
    print("I'm ready.")

async def send(message):
    await client.send_message(client.get_channel("123456789"), message)


loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

我想做一个 GUI.当有人输入他的名字并按确定"时我的不和谐机器人应该发送一条消息.基本上我以为我用它的名字来称呼异步,没有用.然后我做了一个事件循环.使用 print(),但机器人没有发送消息,所以我认为它还没有准备好,当我把 wait_until_ready() 放在那里它什么也没执行,所以我认为我必须把 client.run("token") 在事件循环之前也不起作用.

Hi, i want to make a GUI. When someone put in his name and press "OK" my discord bot should send a message. Basically i thought i call the async by it's name, didn't work. Then i made a event loop. worked with a print(), but the bot doesn't send a message, so i thought it is not ready, when i put wait_until_ready() there it executed nothing, so i thought i have to put the client.run("token") before the event loop, didn't work either.



你的代码不工作的原因是因为 client.run 是阻塞的,这意味着它之后什么都不会执行.这意味着你的 loop 永远不会到达.

The reason your code is not working is because client.run is blocking, meaning that nothing after it will execute. This means your loop will never be reached.

要解决这个问题,请使用 client.loop.create_task.

To get around this, use client.loop.create_task.


The github of discord.py has an example of a background task, found here. You should be able to use this as reference. Currently the task posts a message to the given channel every minute, but you can easily modify it to wait for a specific action.

新的 discord.py 版本

New discord.py versions

import discord
import asyncio

client = discord.Client()

async def my_background_task():
    await client.wait_until_ready()
    counter = 0
    channel = client.get_channel(id=123456789) # replace with channel_id
    while not client.is_closed():
        counter += 1
        await channel.send(counter)
        await asyncio.sleep(60) # task runs every 60 seconds

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')


较旧的 discord.py 版本

Older discord.py versions

import discord
import asyncio

client = discord.Client()

async def my_background_task():
    await client.wait_until_ready()
    counter = 0
    channel = discord.Object(id='channel_id_here')
    while not client.is_closed:
        counter += 1
        await client.send_message(channel, counter)
        await asyncio.sleep(60) # task runs every 60 seconds

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')


这篇关于如何在没有命令的情况下使用 discord.py 发送消息的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何在没有命令的情况下使用 discord.py 发送消息