Python message.content 不和谐机器人

Python message.content discord bot(Python message.content 不和谐机器人)

本文介绍了Python message.content 不和谐机器人的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我试图让我的 机器人在有人发送一些单词时自动响应,但问题是该命令仅在单词是句子中要写的第一件事时才有效.即使单词在某个句子的中间,我也希望我的机器人响应消息.如果可以,我该怎么做?

I am trying to make my bot respond automatically when someone sends some word, but the problem is that the command only works if the word is the first thing to be written in the sentence. I want my bot to respond the message even when the word is in the middle of some sentence. If this is possible, how can I do it?



The following example will do what you want.

Bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="")


async def on_message(message):

     if "not" in message.content:
           await Bot.send_message(, 'yes')

为了澄清,message.content.startswith 只会检查定义的字符/字符串是否在消息的开头,而 message.content 会扫描已发送整条消息.

To clarify, message.content.startswith will only check to see if the defined characters/string are at the start of the message, while message.content scans the entire message sent.

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