Ignoring output from subprocess.Popen(忽略 subprocess.Popen 的输出)
我正在从我的 Python 脚本调用一个 java 程序,它输出了很多我不想要的无用信息.我已经尝试将 stdout=None
添加到 Popen 函数中:
I am calling a java program from my Python script, and it is outputting a lot of useless information I don't want. I have tried addind stdout=None
to the Popen function:
subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', 'foo.jar'], stdout=None)
But it does the same. Any idea?
来自 3.3 文档:
stdin、stdout 和 stderr 分别指定执行程序的标准输入、标准输出和标准错误文件句柄.有效值为 PIPE、DEVNULL、现有文件描述符(正整数)、现有文件对象和无.
stdin, stdout and stderr specify the executed program’s standard input, standard output and standard error file handles, respectively. Valid values are PIPE, DEVNULL, an existing file descriptor (a positive integer), an existing file object, and None.
subprocess.check_call(['java', '-jar', 'foo.jar'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
这仅存在于 3.3 及更高版本中.但是文档说:
This only exists in 3.3 and later. But the documentation says:
DEVNULL 表示将使用特殊文件 os.devnull.
DEVNULL indicates that the special file os.devnull will be used.
而 os.devnull
可以追溯到 2.4(在 subprocess
And os.devnull
exists way back to 2.4 (before subprocess
existed). So, you can do the same thing manually:
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
subprocess.check_call(['java', '-jar', 'foo.jar'], stdout=devnull)
请注意,如果您正在做一些不适合一行的更复杂的事情,您需要在 Popen
的整个生命周期内保持 devnull
处于打开状态对象,而不仅仅是它的构造.(也就是说,将整个内容放在 with
Note that if you're doing something more complicated that doesn't fit into a single line, you need to keep devnull
open for the entire life of the Popen
object, not just its construction. (That is, put the whole thing inside the with
重定向到 /dev/null
(Windows) 的优点是您不会创建不必要的管道,更重要的是,不能遇到子进程在写入该管道时阻塞的极端情况.
The advantage of redirecting to /dev/null
(Windows) is that you don't create an unnecessary pipe, and, more importantly, can't run into edge cases where the subprocess blocks on writing to that pipe.
不具备的平台上工作.如果您只关心 POSIX 和 Windows、PyPy 和 Jython(大多数人)上的 CPython,那么这永远不会成为问题.对于其他情况,请在分发代码之前进行测试.
The disadvantage is that, in theory, subprocess
may work on some platforms that os.devnull
does not. If you only care about CPython on POSIX and Windows, PyPy, and Jython (which is most of you), this will never be a problem. For other cases, test before distributing your code.
这篇关于忽略 subprocess.Popen 的输出的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:忽略 subprocess.Popen 的输出

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