python3构建的Sublime Text 2编码错误

Sublime Text 2 encoding error with python3 build(python3构建的Sublime Text 2编码错误)

本文介绍了python3构建的Sublime Text 2编码错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


从 Sublime Text 2 运行我的 python3 脚本时,出现以下错误:

When running my python3 script from Sublime Text 2, the following error occures:

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in range(128)


Furthermore, when running the same script from the terminal, the problem doesn't appear.

Sublime 的构建系统设置如下:

The build system settings for Sublime is the following:

"cmd": ["python3", "-u", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File "(...*?)", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python",
"encoding": "utf8",
"path": "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/bin/"




After some investigation and research, I figured out what the problem is:

子进程中缺少 LANG 环境变量,由 Sublime Text 2 运行.我通过在构建设置中添加 LANG 变量来修复它,如下所示:

Missing LANG env variable in the subprocess, ran by Sublime Text 2. I fixed it by just adding the LANG variable in my build settings like so:

"cmd": ["python3", "-u", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File "(...*?)", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python",
"env": {"LANG": "en_US.UTF-8"}

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本文标题为:python3构建的Sublime Text 2编码错误