如何在解析之前检查 XML 中是否存在属性和标签?

How can I check the existence of attributes and tags in XML before parsing?(如何在解析之前检查 XML 中是否存在属性和标签?)

本文介绍了如何在解析之前检查 XML 中是否存在属性和标签?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在通过 Python 中的元素树解析 XML 文件,并将内容写入 cpp 文件.

I'm parsing an XML file via Element Tree in python and and writing the content to a cpp file.


The content of children tags will be variant for different tags. For example first event tag has party tag as child but second event tag doesn't have.


-->How can I check whether a tag exists or not before parsing?

-->Children 在第一个事件标签中具有 value 属性,但在第二个事件标签中没有.如何在取值之前检查属性是否存在.

-->Children has value attribute in 1st event tag but not in second. How can I check whether an attribute exists or not before taking it's value.

--> 目前我的代码对不存在的派对标签抛出错误,并为第二个子标签设置无"属性值.

--> Currently my code throws an error for non existing party tag and sets a "None" attribute value for the second children tag.

    <children type="me" value="3"/>

    <children type="me"/>



import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse('party.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for event in root.findall('event'):
    parties = event.find('party').text
    children = event.get('value')


I want to check the tags and then take their values.


如果标签不存在,.find() 确实返回 None.只需测试该值:

If a tag doesn't exist, .find() indeed returns None. Simply test for that value:

for event in root.findall('event'):
    party = event.find('party')
    if party is None:
    parties = party.text
    children = event.get('value')

您已经在事件上使用 .get() 来测试 value 属性;如果属性不存在,它也会返回 None.

You already use .get() on event to test for the value the attribute; it returns None as well if the attribute does not exist.

属性存储在 .attrib 字典中,因此您也可以使用标准 Python 技术来显式测试属性:

Attributes are stored in the .attrib dictionary, so you can use standard Python techniques to test for the attribute explicitly too:

if 'value' in event.attrib:
    # value attribute is present.

这篇关于如何在解析之前检查 XML 中是否存在属性和标签?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何在解析之前检查 XML 中是否存在属性和标签?