Plotly:如何手动设置 plotly express 散点图中点的颜色?

Plotly: How to manually set the color of points in plotly express scatter plots?(Plotly:如何手动设置 plotly express 散点图中点的颜色?)

本文介绍了Plotly:如何手动设置 plotly express 散点图中点的颜色?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!

问题描述 有许多散点图示例,但没有一个向您展示如何在 px.scatter 中设置所有点的颜色: has many scatter plot examples, but not a single one showing you how to set all the points' colours within px.scatter:

# x and y given as DataFrame columns
import as px
df = # iris is a pandas DataFrame
fig = px.scatter(df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length")

我尝试添加 colour = 'red' 等不起作用.这些示例仅向您展示如何通过其他变量进行着色.

I've tried adding colour = 'red' etc doesn't work. These examples only show you how to colour by some other variable.


In principle I could add another feature and set it all the same but that seems a bizzare way of accomplishing the task....


为此,您可以使用 color_discrete_sequence 参数.

For that you may use the color_discrete_sequence argument.

fig = px.scatter(df, x="sepal_width", y="sepal_length", color_discrete_sequence=['red'])

这个参数是为离散的 color 因素使用自定义调色板,但如果你没有为 color 使用任何因素,它将使用第一个元素情节中的点.

This argument is to use a custom color paletter for discrete color factors, but if you are not using any factor for color it will use the first element for all the points in the plot.


More about discrete color palletes:

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