How to profile PyCuda code with the Visual Profiler?(如何使用 Visual Profiler 分析 PyCuda 代码?)
当我创建一个新会话并告诉 Visual Profiler 启动我的 python/pycuda 脚本时,我收到以下错误消息:Execution run #1 of program '' failed, exit code: 255
When I create a new session and tell the Visual Profiler to launch my python/pycuda scripts I get following error message: Execution run #1 of program '' failed, exit code: 255
- 启动:
python "/pathtopycudafile/"
- 工作目录:
- 参数:
我在 Ubuntu 10.10 下使用 CUDA 4.0.64位.分析编译的示例工作.
I use CUDA 4.0 under Ubuntu 10.10. 64Bit. Profiling compiled examples works.
附言我知道 SO 问题 如何在 Linux 中分析 PyCuda 代码?,但似乎是一个不相关的问题.
p.s. I am aware of SO question How to profile PyCuda code in Linux?, but seems to be an unrelated problem.
import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.driver as drv
import numpy
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
mod = SourceModule("""
__global__ void multiply_them(float *dest, float *a, float *b)
const int i = threadIdx.x;
dest[i] = a[i] * b[i];
multiply_them = mod.get_function("multiply_them")
a = numpy.random.randn(400).astype(numpy.float32)
b = numpy.random.randn(400).astype(numpy.float32)
dest = numpy.zeros_like(a)
drv.Out(dest), drv.In(a), drv.In(b),
block=(400,1,1), grid=(1,1))
There is something wrong with the way you are specifying the executable to the compute profiler. If I put a hash bang line at the top of your posted code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
and then give the python file executable permissions, the compute profiler runs the code without complaint and I get this:
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本文标题为:如何使用 Visual Profiler 分析 PyCuda 代码?
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