安装 Anaconda 后无法安装 Python 模块

Cannot Install Python Modules after Installing Anaconda(安装 Anaconda 后无法安装 Python 模块)

本文介绍了安装 Anaconda 后无法安装 Python 模块的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


[新注意:我无法通过 binstar 或 anaconda 安装.为什么我不能在蟒蛇之外的python中安装?当我不通过连续启动器专门启动它时,有没有办法让我的计算机停止使用 python 的 anaconda 安装?]

[New Note: I cannot install through binstar or anaconda. Why can't I install in python, outside of anaconda? Is there a way to get my computer to stop using the anaconda install of python when I don't luanch it specifically through the continuum launcher?]

我在 Windows 机器上安装了 Python 2.7.另外,我最近刚刚安装了 Anaconda.

I have an install of Python 2.7 on a windows machine. I just recently installed Anaconda, in addition.

我刚刚尝试为我的 Python 安装安装一个新模块.我在 Python 模块的解压缩文件夹中打开了一个命令提示符并运行:

I just tried to install a new module for my Python install. I opened a command prompt in an unzipped folder for a python module and ran:

python setup.py 安装

python setup.py install


However, I experienced an error at build line:


building 'pyodbc' extension


错误:命令gcc"失败,退出状态为 1

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

它似乎已查找但未找到多个文件或目录.例如,我收到了几 (7) 行错误,例如:

It appears to have looked for and not found several files or directories. For example, I received several (7) lines of error like:

gcc.exe: 错误:/Wall: 没有这样的文件或目录

gcc.exe: error: /Wall: No such file or directory

我有一种疯狂的预感,即安装 Anaconda 会扰乱我的 PATH 变量(或其他东西),但这只是一种预感.

I have a wild hunch that the install of Anaconda is upsetting my PATH variables (or something), but it's just a hunch.



你可以尝试在 binstar,这是 Anaconda 的软件包托管站点.

You could try to find someone who's built this package on binstar, which is the package hosting site for Anaconda.

我找到了 https://binstar.org/dhirschfeld/pyodbc/3.0.7/文件,如果您有 64 位 Windows,这可能对您有用.你可以试试 conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/dhirschfeld pyodbc.

I found https://binstar.org/dhirschfeld/pyodbc/3.0.7/files, which may work for you if you have 64-bit Windows. You can try conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/dhirschfeld pyodbc.

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本文标题为:安装 Anaconda 后无法安装 Python 模块