Access services inside a regular class(在普通班级内访问服务)
我的 Symfony2 项目中有一个常规课程:
I have a regular class in my Symfony2 project:
class RangeColumn extends Column{
现在这个类里面有一个渲染函数,我想在其中使用 Twig 或 Symfony2 的翻译服务来渲染一个特定的模板.如何以正确的方式访问这些服务?
Now inside this class is a render function, in which I'd like to use Twig or the Translation Service of Symfony2 to render a specific template. How do I access this services in a proper way?
使用 依赖注入.这是一个非常简单的概念.
Use dependency injection. It's a really simple concept.
You should simply pass (inject) needed services to your class.
If dependencies are obligatory pass them in a constructor. If they're optional use setters.
You might go further and delegate construction of your class to the dependency injection container (make a service out of it).
Services are no different from your "regular" class. It's just that their construction is delegated to the container.
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